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The Fund is generated through an annual assessment of all Montana insurers (Plans 1, 2 and 3). The assessment is allocated among insurers based on their compensation and medical payments for the previous calendar year. What is the definition of a person with a disability? The law defines a person with a disability as a person who has a medically certifiable permanent impairment which is a substantial obstacle to obtaining employment or ... reemployment ... considering the person's age, education, training, experience and employment rejection. As a worker, how will I benefit from being certified? Being certified means you are more likely to be hired because there is a limit on the employer's workers' compensation liability if you become injured or reinjured on the job. When the limit is reached, the Subsequent Injury Fund assumes liability. If you are injured on the job, you are entitled to all benefits due under the Workers' Compensation Act. Certification is not body part specific. The certification applies to any new injury. How do I become certified? If you think you have a medically certifiable permanent impairment (as defined by the American Medical Association's Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment), and a physician has given you permanent restrictions because of a permanent impairment, you may apply to the department for certification under the Subsequent Injury Fund. University employees should contact The Personnel Office at 496-4380 for assistance. Complete the form in its entirety and have your physician complete the Medical Evidence of Impairment portion. You may substitute other medical information if it contains equivalent information to that requested on the form. You may write the explanation yourself or ask your rehabilitation counselor or another party familiar with your situation and qualifications to write the explanation for you. Send the completed form to Pat Rogstad at the address listed at the top of this page. Department personnel will review the information and determine whether you meet the requirements for certification set forth in the law. Department staff will notify you of their decision when they complete the review. If approved, you will receive a card identifying you as certified by the Subsequent Injury fund. Present this card to prospective employers as proof of your eligibility for Subsequent Injury Fund benefits. Once certified, you are certified for life. How do I file a claim with the Subsequent Injury Fund? You must follow the standard procedure for filing a Workers' Compensation claim to be eligible for benefits under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act in force on the date of injury. † UlЁ\ v 4 C ок§ђ§ь§ь§ь§ь§ь§ 5CJ\CJOJQJ^JaJCJ7Uaw„…† VWklЂЃ[ \ w x ! 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