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Frequently Requested Offices:
Enrollment Services1-800-445-8324 or (406) 496-4256
Admissions Office(406) 496-4791
Business Services Office(406) 496-4250
Financial Aid(406) 496-4223
Graduate School(406) 496-4256

Academic Affairs(406) 496-4127
Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)(406) 496-4418
Admissions Office(406) 496-4791
Alumni Association(406) 496-4402
ASMT(406) 496-4454
Americorps(406) 496-4692
Bookstore(406) 496-4190
Bureau of Mines(406) 496-4180
Bureau, Publications and Sales(406) 496-4174
Bureau, Sponsored Programs(406) 496-4340
Campus Safety(406) 496-4463
Campus Security(406) 496-4357
Career Services(406) 496-4140
Center for Academic Innovation(406) 496-4189
Chancellor's Office(406) 496-4129
Clark Fork Watershed Education Program(406) 496-4790
Dean of Students(406) 496-4198
Digger Athletics(406) 496-4105
Digger Card Center(406) 496-4514
Dining Services(406) 496-4590
Distance Learning(406) 496-4837
Earthquake Studies(406) 496-4332
Enrollment Services(406) 496-4256
Educational Opportunity Center(406) 496-3720
Foundation(406) 496-4276
Health Center(406) 496-4243
HPER(406) 496-4293
Human Resources(406) 496-4380
Institute for Educational Opportunities(406) 496-4136
Jump Start(406) 496-4565
Learning Center(406) 496-4418
Library (Circulation)(406) 496-4281
Library (Reference)(406) 496-4282
Mail Room / Central Duplicating(406) 496-4195
Media Relations / Public Relations(406) 496-4828
Mineral Museum(406) 496-4414
Purchasing(406) 496-4377
Physical Plant(406) 496-4168
Placement(406) 496-4140
Research Office(406) 496-4102
Residence Life(406) 496-4425
Security(406) 496-4357
Student Life(406) 496-4477
Student Union(406) 496-4335
Technocrat(406) 496-4241

Academic Departments:
Biology(406) 496-4182
Business(406) 496-4401
Chemistry & Geochemistry(406) 496-4182
Computer Science(406) 496-4366
Electrical Engineering(406) 496-4184
Environmental Engineering(406) 496-4266
General Engineering(406) 496-4184
Geological Engineering(406) 496-4262
Health Care Informatics(406) 496-4366
Health Programs(406) 496-3761
Highlands College(406) 496-3707
Liberal Studies(406) 496-4275
Lineman Program(406) 496-4490
Math(406) 496-4366
Metallurgy(406) 496-4341
Mining Engineering(406) 496-4262
Nursing(406) 496-4390
IH / OSH(406) 496-4266
Petroleum Engineering(406) 496-4197
Physics/Geophysics(406) 496-4401
Writing(406) 496-4728