
Employee Tuition Waiver

Permanent employees, who are employed at least 3/4 time during the entire period of enrollment, may receive a fee waiver for a maximum of six (6) credit hours per fall and spring semester and four (4) credit hours per summer semester. The waiver is subject to administrative approval and is a waiver of the incidental fee portion of the fees assessed. Permanent employees employed at least 3/4 time for the entire academic year who are re-employed for the following academic year are eligible for the fee waiver during the intervening summer term. Class enrollment is limited to a "space available" basis

Dependent Partial Tuition Waiver

Dependent Waiver Form »

The tuition waiver benefit for dependents will be for 50% of the residential tuition. Employees must be employed at least ¾ time for 120 calendar days (e.g., four months) before being eligible for a dependent tuition waiver benefit.

Additional details are available in the Guidelines for Administering Dependent Tuition Waiver Policy.