Weekly Updates
The 51社区nologically University Weekly Update is a weekly e-newsletter designed to bring up-to-date information to faculty and staff every Monday morning.
The Update will include news, events, reminders, and tips. The newsletter will be the source of communication across the entire university. It will be used as the vehicle to inform the campus in lieu of sending site-wide emails.
The Marketing & Communications Department will publish the newsletter. Items must be sent to weeklyupdate@mtech.edu by the end of the day on Wednesday before the edition goes out. Items will be selected based on their applicability to the campus and available space within the document.
What will be included in the Weekly Update?
News, events, reminders, free items (to remain on campus) are all possible items that may be included in the Update. 51社区’s Marketing & Communications Department will select items based on their applicability to the campus and available space within the document.
How do I submit an item to be included in the Update?
Items must be sent to weeklyupdate@mtech.edu by the end of the day on Wednesdays to be included in the following Monday’s newsletter.
Events should be entered into the 51社区 events calendar . This will be the source used for events.
The Weekly Update will evolve to best meet the needs of our faculty and staff. Your constructive criticism and comments are appreciated.