
Visit our Training Catalog with session description [coming soon].
For a full training in all that Canvas provides, please  go through Instructures' "" session that has been adapted to MT Tech's needs.

Training Options
Recorded Canvas Trainings

Recorded training sessions from Instructure. Topics include:
- global and course navigation
- content creation (including assignments)
- creation and management of Classic Quizzes
- course flow and delivery
- student groups and collaboration
- grading and feedback

In-house Training

The Center for Academic Innovation offers a number of in-house developed training sessions that you can register for using the link below. Example topics include:

- Introduction to Canvas
- Course Evaluation using the Canvas Checklist
- Good Course Design in Canvas
- Accessibility in Canvas
- Using the Canvas Template
- Hands-On Workshops and Digital Open Houses

For more information and to register, please CAI Catalog

Custom Training Request

Use this request to schedule training for your own group, unit, department, or college. Suggested formats are (most can be designed for online or face-to-face delivery.)
- boot camps
- webinars
- short "speed-training" during department meetings
- one-on-one training on special topics