
Students directed to this link answered YES to one of the Safety & Security questions on the application for admission.  In these cases, further information is required before an admission decision can be made.  If you received a letter asking you to complete this process, please carefully read the following information and submit the appropriate application located at the bottom of this page.

Application Deadline

The safety disclosure application must be completed 14 days prior to the beginning of the semester.  See Campus Academic Calendars

Submit the Application Only Once

Please review your application thoroughly before submitting the required materials.  If you need to modify the application or confirm that it was submitted successfully, contact the Assistant to the Provost at (406)-496-4127.

Student ID Number

Enter your student ID number (799######) with no dashes. That number can be found with your admission letter or you may contact Enrollment Services at (406)-496-4256 or 1-800-445-8324 if you require assistance. 

Non Academic Discipline at Another Institution

If you were disciplined, suspended from or placed on probation at any educational institution for non-academic reasons, use the link entitled Non-Academic Discipline located at the bottom of the page under Application.

If you were placed on academic probation or suspension due to your GPA, you do not need to complete these forms.  This process is required for non-academic misconduct only.   Please contact Enrollment Services to clarify the information provided on your application.

Supporting Documentation

You are required to submit documentation related to your charges along with letters of reference.  Only complete applications will be reviewed. 


If you have any questions or feel you were directed to this form in error, please contact Enrollment Services at 1-800-445-8324 or enrollment@mtech.edu.

Examples of Complete Question

Please fill out the questions completely following the specified directions and format.

Screenshot of question on actual form:
If you have been convicted or institutionalized, please complete the following for each conviction or institutionalization.


A. Illegal Drug Possession
B.  Butte Silver Bow/March/2005
C. Fine and Court Ordered Confinement (1 year)
D. I was young, foolish and an addict. I had a complicated life and hard upbringing.  I battled with depression due to personal circumstances and drugs helped me forget.
E. County jail
F. Was sentenced to inpatient facility and/or outpatient care.
G. I can’t be around drugs, facilities serving alcohol, and have mandatory probation regular meetings.

Screenshot of question on actual form:
If applicable, give name, address and phone number of probation/parole officer or counselor.
Screenshot of question on actual form:
If you have been disciplined, suspended form, or placed on probagion at any educational institution for non-academic reasons, please complete the following for each item.


A. High School
B. March/2016
C. Disorderly Conduct
D. School Handbook
E.  I was involved in a food fight in the cafeteria. 
F. Suspended
G. 2 days of school
H. N/A


A. 51社区
B. March/2018
C.  Harassment
D. 51社区's Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, and Retaliation
E. It is a long story. I wrote and left graphic, threatening cell phone messages to another student based on her veteran status and gender for months after we broke up. I was heartbroken when we broke up and know my behavior was not ok. I was interviewed and provided evidence in the Title IX investigation.
F. Probation
G. 1 semester probation, imposed May 1, 2018 for Fall 2018 semester
H. 51社区 Fall 2019 application currently seeking readmission.
