Tracks and Options - Department of Biological Sciences
Two options are available for pursuing a degree in Biological Sciences – the Cellular & Molecular Track, and the Organismal Track. While unique in their advanced coursework, they both share a common foundation of biological and general science.
Biological Sciences, Organismal and Ecological Studies, B.S.
The organismal track Includes classes and field experiences that prepare students for careers and/or further education in:
- Wildlife biology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Plant Ecology
- Animal Ecology
- Restoration Ecology
- Natural resource management
Biological Sciences, Cellular/Molecular Track, B.S.
The cellular and molecular track includes classes and lab experiences that prepare students for careers or further education in
- Molecular biology
- Microbiology
- Pharmacy
- Medical school
- Dental school
- Physician’s assistant programs
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy.
Exercise and Health Science, B.S.
Learn more about the Exercise and Health Science program here.
The Biology - B.A.S. Degree is primarily designed for students who have earned an Associate of Applied Science degree at a two-year institution who wish to move into baccalaureate program. If, while completing an A.A.S. degree, a student completes any undergraduate level or articulated technology level courses required within a 51社区 B.A.S. degree program, those credits, plus the block transfer credits, will be applied to the B.A.S. degree requirements. A maximum of 60 credits of course work from the A.A.S. degree can be applied to the B.A.S. degree requirements. Students should see their advisor to select additional courses to complete their degree. (A minimum of 39 credits needs to be 3000- 4999 level classes, upper division in order to successfully meet graduation requirements). A minimum of 120 credits is required for a BAS degree.
Biology Minor
A minor in biological sciences requires a minimum of 21 credits. All students must take the set of introductory classes (8 credits) to provide a standard base of knowledge and complete the prerequisites needed to move on to advanced classes. Students then choose 13 additional credits; at least 7 credits must be upper division (300-400). The minor is designed to be flexible to allow for varying student’s interest. Chemistry majors in the biochemistry track and Environmental Engineering majors should be able to satisfy the minor requirements by taking only 2-3 additional courses beyond those already required by their major.
Ecological Restoration Options
Biological Science - 51社区, B.S. and Biology Secondary Education Certificate - University of Montana Western
Students at 51社区 completing the first four years of the curriculum outlined below will meet:
- The requirements for the B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from 51社区
- 51社区’s and hence the MUS General Education core requirement.
- Please refer to Biological Sciences for further information pertaining to that program.
- Advisor: Dr. Amy Kuenzi 406-496-4793
Students who are accepted for admission to and successfully complete the Teacher Education Program at The University of Montana Western, after successfully completing the 5th year, as outlined below, will be in a position to receive: