Ronald J. White, Ph.D. - Staff – CAMP

Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Materials Processing
ELC Building, Room 219
- Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS (1973-75), Research Professor of Physiology
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. (1968-70), Research Associate in Chemical Physics
- Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, England (1967-68), NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Chemistry
- University of Wisconsin, Madison (1963-67), Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette (1959-63), B.S. in Chemistry.
- South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (2009-14), Vice President for Research and Professor of Chemistry
- Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (1996-2003), Professor of Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Sciences, Associate Director, National Space Biomedical Research Institute.
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD (1985-96), Research Professor of Physiology, also Senior Program Scientist (Chief Scientist), Life Sciences Division, NASA Headquarters
- General Electric Company 1980-83), Senior Scientist, Biomedical Research, Analysis and Planning Group, Wahington and Houston
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette (1970-80), Professor of Mathematics (1976-80), Director of Honors (1976-80), Associate Professor of Mathematics (1973-76), Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1970-73)
Awards & Honors (Selected List)
- International Academy of Astronautics: (Elected 1996), Luigi Napolitano Literature Award for Humans in Space Textbook (1996), Life Scuiences Section Award (2010)
- NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal (1992)
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette Distinguished Professor Award (1978)
- Theoretical Chemistry Institute, Madison (1963), First Group NASA Traineeship Award (1963-66)
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (1963)
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette (1963): Valedictory Award, Outstanding Catholic Scholar Award, Pghi Kappa Phi Award, American Institute of Chemists Award
Publications (Selected from over 65 Peer-Review Publications)
- R.J. White. A Note Regarding the Mathematical Treatment of a Class of Steady-State Compartmental Models of the Circulation. Physiol. Reports 4(17):1-11, 2016 DOI - 10.14814/phy2.12945.
- M.Y. MacLeish, J.O. Akinyede, R.J. White, N. Goswami, W.A. Thomson. Global space workforce development: a model for partnership building and knowledge transfer to developing space faring societies. Acta Astronautica 116:106-116, 2015.
- R.J. White, G.C.Y. Peng and S.S. Demir. Multiscale Modeling of Biomedical, Biological, and Behavioral Systems (Part 1). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 28:2, 12-13, 2009.
- R. J. White and M. Averner. Humans in Space. Nature 409:1115-1118, 2001.
- R. J. White. Weightlessness and the Human Body. Sci. Am. 279:38-43, 1998. See Letters to the Editors, Sci. Am. 280:10-11, 1999. Also, in German: Der Mensch in der Schwerelosigkeit. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 38-44, Dec. 1998; in French: Le corps humain en impesanteur. Pour la Science, Nov. 1998; in Italian: Vivere in assenza di gravitá. Le Scienze, Nov. 1998; in Polish, Cz³owiek w stanie niewa¿koœci. Świat Nauki, Nov. 1998.
- R. J. White and C. G. Blomqvist. Central Venous Pressure and Cardiac Function During Spaceflight. J. Appl. Physiol. 85(2):738-746, 1998.
- N. H. March and R. J. White. Non-Relativistic Theory of Atomic and Ionic Binding Energies for Large Atomic Number. J. Phys. B 5:466-475, 1972.
- R. J. White and F. H. Stillinger. An Analytic Approach to Electron Correlation in Atoms. J. Chem. Phys. 52:5800-5814, 1970.
Invited Lectures (Selected)
- 2011 World Congress on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Simulation of Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Dynamics, Williamsburg, VA: Plenary Lecture: Perspective from an Outsider:, Challenges in Large-Scale Biomedical Modeling, 2011
- International Astronautical Federation Symposium "Celebrating Ten Years of the International Space Station," Paris, France: Medical Challenges for Humans in Space, 2008.
- 16th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Beijing, China: Plenary Lecture: Human Health and Performance in Space as Exploration Begins, 2007
- 10th International Colloquium of the Institute of Adaptive and Spaceflight Medicine, Graz, Austria: Understanding Human Physiology in Space, 2006
- Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Conference, Detroit, MI: The Digital Astronaut: an Integrated, Multiscale Modeling Project, 2005
- 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany: Plenary Lecture: The Role of Modeling and Simulation in Physiology and Medicine, 2003
- 40th Anniversary Symposium of the Institute for Biomedical Problems, Moscow: After Forty Years of Mathematical Modeling of Human Spaceflight, What Does the Future Hold?, 2003