
Bongsuk ParkAssistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering
Science and Engineering Building 303
Phone: 406-496-4893
E-mail: bpark1@mtech.edu
Personal Website: LinkedIn: Google Scholar:


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA (2020)
M.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA (2015)
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea (2011)

Research Interests

  • Smart transportation systems and resilience of infrastructural materials
  • Data-driven approach and big data analytics for pavement management system
  • Development of user-friendly software for an advanced sustainability of transportation system
  • Multi-scale finite element modeling of smart materials and infrastructures
  • Geotechnical and recycled material characterization and advanced design of pavement materials


Journal Papers
  1. Park, B., Cho, S., Rahbar-Rastegar, R., Nantung, T., and Haddock, J. (2023). “Use of Falling Weight Deflectometer Data to Determine the Effective Structural Number of Full-Depth Asphalt Pavements for Structural Condition Assessment.” Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2023.2200843.
  2. Park, B., Cho, S., Nantung, T., and Haddock, J. (2023). “Field Validation of Falling Weight Deflectometer Deflection-Based Critical Strain Prediction Models for Full-Depth Asphalt Pavements.” Transportation Research Record, DOI: 10.1177/03611981231162594.
  3. Jha, S., Zhang, Y., Park, B., Cho, S., Krogmeier, J.V., Bagchi, T., Haddock, J. (2023). “Data-Driven Web-Based Patching Management Tool Using Multi-Sensor Pavement Structure Measurements.” Transportation Research Record, DOI: 10.1177/03611981231167161
  4. Yan, Y., Li, L., Park, B., Bianchi, E., Sholar, G., and Tebaldi, G. (2023). “Predict High and Low Temperature True Grade of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Binder Using the Enhanced Mortar Testing Approach.” Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2023.2189606.
  5. Park, B., Chun, S., and Kim, K. (2022). “Effect of Various Interface Bonding Conditions on Critical Response Characteristics for Cracking Potential of Asphalt Pavements.” Road Materials and Pavement Design, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2022.2117065.
  6. Park, B., Cho, S., Rahbar-Rastegar, R., Nantung, T., and Haddock, J. (2022). “Prediction of Critical Responses in Full-Depth Asphalt Pavements Using the Falling Weight Deflectometer Deflection Basin Parameters.” Construction and Building Materials, 318, 126019.
  7. Park, B., Cocconcelli, C., and Chun, S. (2022). “Gradation Characteristics-Based Interlayer Mixture Design Method for Enhanced Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Pavements.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 49(4): 607-616, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2021-0078.
  8. Park, B., Zou, J., Yan, Y., Roque, R., Lopp, G., and Moseley, H. (2021). “Effect of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement on Cracking Performance of Asphalt Mixtures with Regular and High Polymer Modified Binders.” Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2021.1888780
  9. Park, B., Zou, J., Roque, R., Lopp, G., Yan, Y., and Moseley, H. (2021). “Development of Characteristic-Based Guidelines to Determine Maximum Allowable Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Content in Polymer-Modified Asphalt Mixture.” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2021.1873330.
  10. Park, B., Zou, J., Hernando, D., Roque, R., and Waisome, A.M. J. (2021). “Investigating the Use of Equivalent Elastic Approach to Identify the Potential Location of Bending-Induced Interface Debonding Under a Moving Load.” Materials and Structures, 54 (1), 1-15.
  11. Yan, Y., Hernando, D., Park, B., Allen, C., and Roque, R. (2021). “Understanding Asphalt Binder Cracking Characterization at Intermediate Temperatures: Review and Evaluation of Two Approaches.” Construction and Building Materials, 312, 125163.
  12. Kim, K., Chun, S., Park, B., and Han, S. (2021). “Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement (PPCP): Effect of Thermal Gradient on Curling Deflection and Stress.” Construction and Building Materials, 274, 121966, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121966.
  13. Yan, Y., Hernando, D., Park, B., Tebaldi, G., Roque, R. (2021). “Effect of Aged Binder Distribution on the Fracture Tolerance of Asphalt Mixtures with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20210227
  14. Park, B., Zou, J., Roque, R., Lopp, G., and Wu, Z. (2020). “Approach for Determination of Maximum Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Content in Polymer-Modified Asphalt Mixture” Transportation Research Record: Transportation Research Board, 2674 (6), 420-430.
  15. Park, B., Chun, S., and Han, S. (2019). “Application of Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Data and Energy Ratio (ER) Approach for Cracking Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Pavements.” International Journal of Civil Engineering, 17 (11), 1729-1737.
  16. Cocconcelli, C., Park, B., Zou, J., Lopp, G., and Roque, R. (2019). “Fracture-Tolerant and Shear-Resistant Interlayers for Mitigation of Reflective Cracking” Transportation Research Record: Transportation Research Board, 2673 (10), 35-46.
  17. Chun, S., Kim, K., and Park, B. (2018). “Evaluation of the Effect of Segregation on Coarse Aggregate Structure and Rutting Potential of Asphalt Mixtures using Dominant Aggregate Size Range (DASR) Approach.” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22 (1), 125-134.
  18. Kim, K., Chun, S., Park, B., and Tia, M. (2017). “Effects of the Non-linear Stress-Strain Behavior of RAP Concrete on Structural Responses for Rigid Pavement Application.” International Journal of Highway Engineering, 19 (1), 37-44.
  19. Chun, S., Kim, K., Park, B., and Greene, J. (2017). "Evaluation of Structural Benefits of Prime Coat Application for Flexible Pavements using Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT)." KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 21 (1), 141-149.
  20. Kim, K., Park, B., Chun, S., and Kim, J. (2016). “Study on Top-Down Cracking Behavior of Asphalt Pavement under Korean Army K-1 Tank Loads using Finite Element Analysis.” Korean Journal of Military Art and Science, 72 (1), 211-230.
  21. Chun, S., Kim, K., and Park, B. (2016). “Evaluation of 4.75 mm Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS) Mixture Performance Characteristics to Effectively Implement for Asphalt Pavement System.” International Journal of Highway Engineering, 18 (1), 33-41.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
  1. Yan, Y., Hernando, D., Park, B., Tebaldi, G., and Roque, R. (2020). “Effect of RAP Gradation on Fracture Tolerance of Asphalt Mixtures.” Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials, RILEM Book series 27, pp 607-613, December 2020.
  2. Kim, K., Chun, S., Park, B., Tia, M., and Bergin, M. (2017). “Effect of RAP Concrete Ductility on Critical Stresses Analysis for Rigid Pavements.” Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2017.
  3. Zou, J., Roque, R., Park, B., and Lopp, G. (2016). “Impact of Hydrated Lime on Cracking Performance of Asphalt Mixtures.” International Society for Asphalt Pavements 2016 Symposium., July 2016.
Research Project Reports
  1. Roque, R., Park, B., Zou, J., and Lopp, G. (2020). “Enhanced Characterization of RAP for Cracking Performance.” Final Report of Florida Department of Transportation, FDOT Contract No. BDV31-977-70, University of Florida, FL.
  2. Roque, R., Cocconcelli, C., Zou, J., Park, B., and Lopp, G. (2018). “Evaluation of Reflective Cracking Mitigation Treatments Using the Composite Specimen Interface Cracking (CSIC) Test.” Final Report of Florida Department of Transportation, FDOT Contract No. BDV31-977-39, University of Florida, FL.
  3. Roque, R., Hernando, D., Park, B., Zou, J., and Waisome, J. (2017). “Evaluation of Asphalt Pavement Interface Conditions for Enhanced Bond Performance.” Final Report of Florida Department of Transportation, FDOT Contract No. BDV31-977-37, University of Florida, FL.