
Yilong LiuAssistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering
1300 West Park Street, Butte, MT
Science and Engineering Building 307
Phone: 406-496-4850
Email: yliu@mtech.edu


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Washington State University
Master in Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Shandong University
B.S. in Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering, Shandong University

Research Interests

  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Big data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Highway Materials Engineering
  • Pavement Design and Analysis
  • Numerical Methods in Engineering: Finite Element Method


  • Construction Contracts
  • Temporary Structures
  • Intro to Model Civil Engineering
  • Civil Engineering Senior Design
  • Soil Mech & Foundation Design
  • Open Channel Hydraulics Lab

Selected Publications

Mahdi, M., Wu, Z., & Liu, Y. “Investigation of early-age behavior and thermal properties of RCC in the design and performance of RCC pavements” (Accepted by Transportation Research Record 2022)

Zhang K, Liu Y, Nassiri S, Li H, Englund K. “Performance evaluation of porous asphalt mixture enhanced with high dosages of cured carbon fiber composite materials”. Construction and Building Materials. 2021

F Intaj, Y Liu, Z Wu. “Application and Evaluation of Micro-Cracking on the Cement-Stabilized Bases at Field Projects in Louisiana”. Transportation Research Record, 2019

T. Sutharsan, B. Muhunthan, Y Liu. “Development and Implementation of A Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Sands”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017

Mahdi, M., Golam Sobhani, M., Wu, Z., Liu, Y., & Xie, Z. (2022). Development of a Fatigue Damage Model for Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement Based on In Situ Saw-Cut Beams and Accelerated Pavement Performance. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221089314.

Xie, Z., Wu, Z., Moon, F., Mahdi, M., & Liu, Y. (2022). Performance Evaluation and Prediction of Preservation Asphalt Overlay in Louisiana. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221091563

Technical Reports

Z. Wu, Y. Liu. (2023) “Prediction of Road Condition and Smoothness for Flexible and Rigid Pavements in Louisiana Using Neural Networks”. Louisiana Transportation Research Center Research Project, 21-1P

Z. Wu, Y. Liu, X. Sun. (2019). “Transportation Infrastructure Asset Damage Cost Recovery Correlated with Shale Oil/Gas Recovery Operations in Louisiana”. Louisiana Transportation Research Center Research Project, 16-2P

Z. Wu, Y. Liu, F. Intaj. (2017). “Minimizing Shrinkage Cracking in Cement-Stabilized Bases through Micro-Cracking”. Louisiana Transportation Research Center Research Project, 12-3P.

B. Muhunthan, S. Romanoshi, Y. Liu, S. Sutharsan. (2015) “Development of Empirical and Mechanistic Models for Permanent Deformation in Subgrade Soils”. Final Report for Contract DTFH61-11-D-00009, Federal Highway Administration, Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC), 360 p.