
Josh VincentPrincipal Engineer/Marketing Director, Water & Environmental Technologies, PC
Butte, MT  59701

1997 B.S. in Environmental Engineering

Josh Vincent is from Butte, Montana, and attended 51社区 from 1992 – 1997, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering.  Josh is a Partner and Principal Engineer with Water & Environmental Technologies (WET), an environmental consulting and engineering firm based in Butte.  Josh has worked in the environmental consulting industry since graduation, with a broad range of experience in many project areas.  His project experience includes all areas of surface water and ground water characterization, investigation, and remediation; watershed planning; contaminant hydrogeology; nutrient analysis; environmental assessment and permitting; land development; and waste management issues.  He is a registered Professional Engineer in the States of Montana and Wyoming, and is a member of the National Ground Water Association and the American Society of Civil Engineers. 

Josh and his partners at WET are also very ardent supporters of 51社区.  Josh has been a member of the 51社区 Environmental Engineering Alumni Advisory Board since graduation, and he received the Alumni Recognition Award for Environmental Engineering in 2004.  Josh is also a Board Member of the Digger Athletic Association, and manages the 51社区 Touchdown Club.  In the Butte community, Josh is a member of the Butte-Silver Bow Planning Board, the George Grant Chapter of Trout Unlimited, and the Butte Elks Lodge #240.  Josh was recognized as one of the Top 40 Business People in Southwest Montana by the Montana Standard in 2002.

Personal Information

Although not an official Butte native, Josh has lived in Butte since he was two years old, graduating from Butte High School as valedictorian in 1992.  He married Janelle (Liva) Vincent (also a Tech grad) in 1997 and they have two beautiful daughters, Emily (7 years) and Grace (3 years), and are expecting a third child in 2008.  Josh’s primary hobbies are spending time with his family, and wandering the outdoors of Southwest Montana, whether it is fishing, floating, hunting, camping, or hiking.


BS, Environmental Engineering, 51社区 of the University of Montana, 1997

Continuing Education Credits, 1998-2007 

Professional History

Water & Environmental Technologies, PC; Butte, MT: Principal Engr, (August 2000 – Present)

Atlatl, Inc; Butte; MT: Associate Engineer/Project Manager, (May 1997 – August 2000)

Atlatl, Inc; Butte, MT: Environmental Technician, (May 1996- May 1997)

Environmental Protection Agency; Intern, (January – May 1997)

Professional Experience

Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for the site characterization, investigation, and remediation of over 50 UST and hazardous waste sites.  Contaminants of concern include gasoline, diesel, waste oil, pesticides, heavy metals, and various organic solvents.  Contaminated media include soil, ground water and surface water in industrial, commercial, and residential areas.  Remediation methods include vapor extraction, air stripping, pump and treat, over-excavation, NAPL recovery, and bioremediation. 
Project Manager and Project Engineer for the remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil in a National Park.  Provided turnkey design, installation, and monitoring of an in-situ bioremediation system at the site.  Complex geologic conditions and remote location provided difficult design conditions. 

Project Manager and Project Engineer for the investigation and analysis of a crude oil pipeline release.  Project tasks included assessing damage to soil, ground water, and surface water resources, which occurred on a State Game Refuge.  Tasks also included designing a cleanup and restoration plan for the site, and a detailed remedial cost estimate. 

Project Engineer responsible for performing Phase II site investigations on 14 fuel stations in Montana.  Assessments included the collection of soil and ground water samples using a Geoprobe and an on-board gas chromatograph for the identification of hydrocarbon contamination.  Project was completed for a national gasoline distributor under a very strict time deadline.

Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for the investigation and remediation of 5 fuel stations in the State of Colorado.  Project duties include oversight and direction of all investigation, pilot study, and remedial activities, coordination with State cleanup and Petroleum Fund personnel, and close Client relationship concerning future site planning and budget estimates.

Project Manager responsible for the site characterization of RCRA hazardous wastes at a Montana railroad facility in Montana.  Waste materials were inventoried and identified through field screening and laboratory analysis.  Materials were consolidated, containerized, and prepared for disposal in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.

Project Manager and Project Engineer for the implementation of a surface water nutrient study along an impacted watershed within a Federal Superfund site.  Project details included comprehensive background research, monthly surface water sampling, data interpretation and analysis, and preparation of a final report.  The project goals were to identify point and non-point nutrient loading source within the watershed, and assist the government with reaching target nutrient levels in the Upper Clark Fork River basin. 

Project Manager and Engineer for a stream restoration project in the Clark Fork River basin.  Provided overall project administration activities, budgeting, stakeholder meetings, project negotiations, grant preparation, presentations, and associated activities.  Also provided technical expertise and subcontractor management and review on the implementation of reclamation plans including stream restoration, mine tailings reclamation, riparian and upland revegetation, public trail access, in-stream flow leasing, alternative water usage, land purchases, and cultural resource protection.

Project Manager and Project Engineer for the evaluation of road sediment impacts to streams.  The project included evaluation of unpaved road crossings and parallel road segments, field assessment of selected crossings, sediment modeling to determine delivery impacts, and development of sediment allocations and BMP scenarios for restoration.  

Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for completion of a ground water-surface water interaction study along a portion of a popular Montana River.  The project involves defining the ground water-surface water-interaction between irrigation systems, important spawning tributaries, well usage, and river hydrology, and developing recommendations for improved water conservation and efficiency.

Project Manager and Project Engineer for the completion of numerous construction storm water permits and storm water pollution prevention plans regulated under MPDES regulations. 

Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for the permitting of three Industrial Solid Waste Landfills in Wyoming and Utah.  Permits included an engineering evaluation of landfill processes, available landfill space, ground water monitoring, site reclamation, and remaining site life.

Project Manager responsible for writing the MPDES Phase II Storm Water permit for a major Montana city.  Permit details included planning and development of a storm water management plan to educate and reduce contamination in the city’s storm water network.

Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for performing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) assessments at three oil and gas production facilities.  Project tasks included background operations and safety evaluations, on-site monitoring visits, and preparation of a report detailing recommendations for improved H2S management. 
Project Manager for several ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessments throughout Montana.  Compiled historical information and on-site observations into a factual report in accordance with ASTM Standards to assess the environmental liabilities of each site.

Project Engineer responsible for determining the volume of mine tailings along a 3-mile stretch of stream below a former mine and mill site in Montana.  Volume estimates were developed using aerial photography, computer mapping and field verification technologies. 

Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for investigation, remedial design, and monitoring of several hydrocarbon contaminated sites throughout Montana.

Project Engineer responsible for hydrogeologic investigation and characterization of various complex industrial facilities.

Project Engineer responsible for the excavation and disposal of pesticide contaminated soil from two seed treating facilities in North Dakota.

Expert Witness/Litigation Support Experience

Fauque, et al. v. Texaco et al., Cause No. CDV-01-179 (a)
Hepp v. Conoco Inc. et al., Cause No. ADV-2003-14
Aguiar v. Burlington Northern, United States District Court, Great Falls
Milanovich v. O’Neill, Cause No. DV-01-97

Professional Development

National Ground Water Association Annual Conference – Heterogeneity (1998)
Grant Writing Seminar – 51社区 (2000)
American Water Works Association Annual Conference – Montana Chapter (2002)
American Water Resources Association Annual Conference – Montana Chapter (2003)
NPDES Permitting Seminar – American Society of Civil Engineers (2003)
ArcGIS I, Environmental Systems Research Institute (2004)
World Water & Environmental Resources Congress (2004)
American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Conference (2003-2005, 2007)
Applied Fluvial Morphology (2006)


Registered Professional Engineer, State of Montana (12994PE)
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Wyoming (PE 9710)
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120:  Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120:  8-Hour Refresher - Current
Standard First Aid & CPR Training

Affiliations & Community Service Organizations

Association of Ground Water Scientists & Engineers (AGWSE)
National Ground Water Association
American Society of Civil Engineers – Member
Butte-Silver Bow Planning Board – Vice Chair (2005-2007)
George Grant Chapter of Trout Unlimited – Board of Directors
51社区 Environmental Engineering Alumni Advisory Committee (Previous Chair)
51社区 Digger Athletic Association – Vice President
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Butte Lodge of Elks - #240


Top 40 Under 40 Business People in Southwest Montana - Montana Standard - 2003
51社区 Alumni Recognition Award