
Beverly HartlineProfessor Emeritus

Dr. Beverly Hartline is Professor Emeritus. She joined 51社区 in 2012 with over 30 years of experience in research management, science and technology policy, and organizational leadership. She’s worked in numerous positions at other universities and with the Department of Energy National Laboratories. As Assistant Director for Physical Science and Engineering at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for two years, she engaged in policy issues, such as energy R&D, government accountability, scientific facilities, research funding, and increasing women’s and minorities’ participation in science and engineering.

Her research career started at age six when she wondered how plants grow. It continued through middle and high school with studies on peripheral vision, ecosystem balance, and an invasive shrimp. Her bachelor's in Chemistry and Physics from Reed College culminated in a thesis on organo-metallic complexes, for which she learned glass-blowing. Her Ph.D. is in Geophysics from the University of Washington and involved fieldwork on the Blue Glacier, WA, an oceanographic cruise in the northeast Pacific, and placing seismometers on Mount St. Helens before it erupted, in addition to laboratory and numerical modeling research for her dissertation on thermal convection in a porous media, such as the ocean crust. She and her husband Fred very much enjoy Butte, Montana, and its unparalleled scenery and outdoor opportunities, including hiking, cross-country skiing, biking, and backpacking. Their two grown sons both have Ph.D.s in computer science.