51社区 Department of Mechanical Engineering

The 51社区 Department of Mechanical Engineering is home to rigorous coursework and hands-on labs that prepare you for in-demand, high-paying careers in aerospace, manufacturing, semiconductor, HVAC, petroleum, and mining fields. Our department offers a bachelor's degree, and two master's options. Research is a focus of the department with opportunities to explore nanotechnology, 3-D printing, and advanced manufacturing.

Develop the fundamental concepts to better the human condition and solve problems across society through the ABET-accredited mechanical engineering bachelor鈥檚 degree.
This General Engineering, M.S. allows a focus on Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering. Concentration focuses on mechanical power and machines, energy studies, and concurrent engineering.
The Masters of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree is a 31-credit coursework-only master鈥檚 degree for those with a B.S. degrees in engineering, including practicing professionals and recent graduates. The student can choose an option in Mechanical Engineering.
See how you can focus study on welding engineering. Welding engineers generally cover the areas of welding processes, metallurgy, design, and nondestructive evaluation.
The study and development of materials and devices with dimensions smaller than 100x10-9 meters (100 billionths of a meter or 100 nanometers) is the playground for engineers and scientists with a nanotechnology focus.
Common employers of mechanical engineers with a control systems focus include small to large companies in areas ranging from the power industry to aerospace.

Meet our faculty and explore research interests and areas of expertise.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Chapter is here for you to network.
The Mechanical Engineering, B.S. degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.
Most years we have strong career outcomes.
Industry professionals help guide our department and programs.
We'll answer your questions and help you get started.
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