
Enjoy these photos of students and program staff during the 2024 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Summer Program! Highlights include forging, casting, beadmaking, and visits to the Anaconda Foundry Fabrication Company and the World Museum of Mining's underground mine.

Group photo of students, program organizers, and some team leaders.
Students choosing their glass for beadmaking.
Students beginning to heat their glass.
Students working on glass beadmaking.
Students heating glass rods.
Shaping of a glass bead.
Students working on glass beadmaking.
Student working on making a glass bead.
Students beginning to wrap their glass around their mandrel.
Students listening to a presentation.
Students forging.
Students flattening out a steel rod for their blade.
Students work on shaping their blade.
Students observing their work.
Students making sand molds for casting.
Students watch as Baylie pours aluminum into their molds.
Students working on flattening their rod for their blade.
Students working on their blade.
Students works to flatten the steel rod for their blade.
Stephen talking to students about their blade.
Student pours water on aluminum to quench it.
Student uses a drill press to drill a hole in their cast medallion.
Student drills a hole in their cast medallion.
Students display their finished casted medallions.
Students work to shape their blade.
Conor explains to students the first tests for their blade.
Nathan uses a student forged blade to cut a banana in the second round of blade tests.
Baylie and student stabilize a blade for hardness testing.
Students look on as Conor scores their blade for sharpness and symmetry.
A student-forged blade bends during a strength test.
Students watch as their blade is used to cut through a suspended banana.
Student holds blade ready for the first set of tests.
Conor tests a student-forged knife by cutting through a coconut.
Coconut juice flies as blade cuts through it.
Students observe as their blade is tested on a watermelon.
Students watch as their blade is put to the test with a banana cut.
Students look on as their blade successfully cuts though the banana.
Students listen to a presentation.
Students making glass beads.
Nathan uses a belt grinder to sharpen one of the student-forged blades.
Sudhakar discusses microstructures with students.
Students work on polishing samples with Baylie.
Students work on forging their blade.
Students at the Anaconda Foundry Fabrication Company.
Students in the underground mine at the World Museum of Mining.
Students learning from Scott about mining at the World Museum of Mining.
Students underground at the World Museum of Mining.
Students listen to Nathan and Stephen about how to create and forge their blades.
Students watch a metal pour at the Anaconda Foundry Fabrication Company.
All of the student-forged blades.