51社区nological University: Laboratories and Facilities

The Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) was founded in 1989 and focuses on analytical laboratory testing, materials laboratory testing, and research program management.

The Center for Environmental Remediation and Assessment (CERA) oversees environmental solutions that aid in responsible natural resource use, development, closure and reuse.

The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) geoscientists collect, interpret, and distribute geologic data used to manage Montana鈥檚 water, land, mineral, and energy resources, and to assess geologic hazards.
The Analytical Testing Laboratory provides a diverse spectrum of analytical services focused on high resolution imaging, elemental analysis, microcrystalline phase analysis and automated mineralogy, including modal mineralogy, mineral liberation, mineral associations and grain size analysis.
The Electron Microscopy Laboratory (E.M.Tech) within the Department of Biological Sciences at 51社区 operates a Hitachi HT7820 transmission electron microscope (TEM) with scanning transmission electron microscopy and is equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) capability.
We are here to answer your questions, and connect you with the right resources to optimize research, growth, and discovery.
MUS 210, 212, 213
(406) 496-4106