Research Office (RO) and Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Staff
Research Office (RO) Staff
The Research Office oversees research on campus, in collaboration with the campus research centers. This includes development of new ideas and proposals, government relations, conference and event planning, new research partnerships, marketing.
Angela Lueking
Vice Chancellor of Research, Dean of the Graduate School
(406) 496-4106
Museum Building 210
Chief research officer: Develops partnerships and new initiatives; Oversees research centers. Ultimate accountability to federal agencies on grants and contracts; Works to ensure 51社区 policy promotes a research culture.
Kathy Stevens
Executive Assistant to the VCR
(406) 496-4102
Museum Building 211
Provides administrative support for the faculty Undergraduate Research Program committee and manages the database, manages research-related policies, and manages day-to-day Research Office Operations.
Susie Anderson
Conference and Event Planning
(406) 496-4311
Ron White
Director for the Center for Advanced Materials Processing
(406) 496-4342
ELC Building, Room 219
Robin Bullock
Director for the Center for Environmental Remediation & Assessment
(406) 496-4120
Science & Engineering (S&E) 317
Jeff Braun
Interim Director, High Performance Computer Cluster
(406) 496-4206
MUS 103
John Bognar
Director of Technology Transfer
(406) 496-4783
ELC 125
Coordinates and manages 51社区’s technology transfer, patenting, and licensing. He acts as a technical liaison between Tech inventors and approved patent lawyers, coordinating with inventors on actions needed for successful utility patent filing.
Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Staff
Joanne Lee
Assistant Vice Chancellor of Research of Sponsored Programs
(406) 496-4769
Museum Building 213
Oversight of the OSP pre- and post-award staff; assists with budget development; administers the IDC rate; oversees the financial reporting’ establishes and oversees processes to ensure compliance with funder, federal, and accepted industry standards, provides support to administration, faculty, and staff in the MTU research community; and audit related tasks pertaining to sponsored projects.
Sara Lester
Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs
(406) 496-4176
Museum Building 212
Oversees financial management of awards; implements sales and service agreements.
Primary interface to MBMG, assists MBMG in proposal submission.
Tara Caprara
Accounting Analyst
(406) 496-4727
Museum Building 212
Award Financial Management, Patent Tracking
Tim Tutty
Pre-Award Grant Manager
(406) 496-4340
Museum Building 212
Proposal submission: analysis of requirements; preparation of checklist; final compliance check; submission. Regulatory compliance: Manages RCR training, Conflicts of Interest; Federal Export Control.
We are here to answer your questions, and connect you with the right resources to optimize research, growth, and discovery.
MUS 210, 212, 213
(406) 496-4106