Intramural Sports - ASMT
To provide the fee paying students of 51社区 with exercise, recreation, and fun in a relaxed, yet structured environment by utilizing the university and student resources available.
Offered Sports
Flag football, Volleyball, Basketball, Dodgeball
Rhett Hoffer, Intramurals Director
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Glendive, Montana
Rhett was raised in eastern Montana at Glendive which is 30 miles from the North Dakota border. A sophomore at 51社区, he is studying mechanical engineering. In his spare time, Rhett likes to hang out with friends to avoid responsibilities. Rhett is involved in intramural athletics at 51社区, because he has played sports his whole life and sees the positive effects that mental and physical exercise has for those participating in sports.
Jacob Feldman, Intramural Assitant Director
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Dutton, Montana
Jacob Feldmann came from the small town of Dutton, Montana (not related to the TV show “Yellowstone”). When he’s not studying or doing homework, Jacob enjoys learning about cars and going to the gym. Jacob chose to join the ASMT team to create a fun and competitive environment for the student body’s Intramural sports.