
ASSP group photo
Students in the Safety, Health and Industrial Hygiene Department and students in various engineering degrees receiving an OSH minor participate in campus activities, both informally and through a club.

The club is a “student section” of the . The main purposes of the club are to provide students with opportunities to explore the field of OSH/IH, learn about professional societies, participate in community and campus volunteer activities, and socialize. Also, student members are eligible for scholarships from the ASSP Foundation.

Both undergraduate and graduate students participate in regional conferences of professional societies. Each year, several students attend the Pacific Northwest Occupational Health Conference in Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia. Many have been awarded scholarships at that conference. Students have also attended National ASSP, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Mine Safety, and National Safety Council conferences.  These conferences present opportunities to learn about current developments in the field and meet professionals in occupational health and safety.

The club participates in campus activities, including Tech Days and Homecoming celebrations. Additionally, the ASSP Student Club provides many fun activities and opportunities to connect with industry professionals.

Club Advisor

Lorri Birkenbuel

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