
Judge's Scoring Criteria for Gold Standard Award
Qualifications Explanation Points Available
Membership Activities related to recruitment of new members 10
Planning Officers or others involved in planning student chapter activities 10
Educational Educational/technical meetings or activities (such as field trips, guest speakers, student paper contests, etc.) sponsored by the chapter 20
Professional Member participation in activities sponsored by Sections or Regions 10
Service Activities in which the student chapter participated as a group or sponsor that enhanced the image of the petroleum industry, the engineering department or the student chapter 10
Support Services routinely provided by student chapter for its members and/or all engineering students. 10
Fundraising All fund-raising activities of student chapter 5
Extracurricular Social and recreational activities that involved participation by the chapter as a group. 10
Summary Significant contributions/challenges of the chapter and an explanation why the chapter deserves the award 10
Complete Financial Statement Must be signed by the Faculty Sponsor and demonstrate effective use of the chapter funds 5
Grand Total 100