Plan Timeline
Spring 2017
- Montana University System Board of Regents (BOR) approve (March 2017)
- (May 2017)
- Establish Workgroup for Institutional Realignment for Excellence (WIRE) Committee
Spring 2018
- Institutional Name change to
- Program Prioritization Process begins
Fall 2018
- WIRE Report
- Alignment Plan
- (Dean’s productivity measures distributed in spring each year beginning spring 2020)
Fall 2019
Teams Developed Prior to a Strategic Plan
- Undergraduate Recruitment Team
- Student Success Team
- Marketing/Communications Team
- Campus Refresh & Space Planning Teams
- Lead Team
Spring 2020
- Team Report Results Presented to Campus Advancing Tech (May 2020)
Deliberately Distinct: Positioning 51社区 for the Future Strategic Plan Timeline
- Committee appointed 10/20/20. Committee met bimonthly through April 2021.
- The committee can be found here.
- Shared Report with campus that included development of an initiative process (April 28, 2021)
- Advancing Tech Mission, Vision, and Values presented (May 2021)
- Presented to the BOR ()
- Roadmap & Advancing Tech Healthy Vibrant Eco system-Forum Great Places to Work (September 2021)
- Process for Initiatives rollout/description, Request for Initiatives (RFI) Application, and example of E-sports distributed. (September 3, 2021)
- Campus strategic initiatives presented (1/26/2022)
- Advancing Tech Update on Initiatives presented to campus (May 2022)
- Enrollment
- First to second year retention
- Degree completion
- Experiential learning
- Social mobility (average family income/starting salary/salary x years out)
- Leadership Retreat groups with leads for each goal.
- Leadership Team presents draft KPIs to the Steering Committee.
- Objectives and Indicators of institutional effectiveness and mission fulfillment finalized.
- Year 1 Ad Hoc report submitted to NWCCU.