
Sigma Beta Delta is an international honor society of management and business students. Membership in Sigma Beta Delta is the highest national recognition a business student can receive at a college or university with a Sigma Beta Delta chapter. Faculty members in the BIT department elect and invite students to become members; it is our way of recognizing students' outstanding scholastic achievements. To be eligible for membership, a business student must rank in the upper 20 percent of the junior, senior or master's class and be invited to membership by the faculty officers.

Sigma Beta Delta was created by the Beta Gamma Sigma business honor society for schools that had regional accreditation, but not specialized accreditation in business. Beta Gamma Sigma leaders acknowledged that the business honor society is a vital participant and positive force in higher education, and should be available to all regionally accredited baccalaureate institutions. The Beta Gamma Sigma Board of Governors decided in January 1994 to establish Sigma Beta Delta, and seven founding chapters were established early in 1994. They include: Belmont University, Houston Baptist University, McKendree College, Morehouse College, North Carolina State University, Saint Leo College and Southern University. By the end of the chartering period, June 30, 1995, an additional 54 charter chapters had been installed for a total of 61 founding and charter chapters. By the end of February 2003, a total of 193 chapters had been established in 43 states. Additionally, one chapter has been established in the United Arab Emirates, the first international chapter.

51社区 was awarded its Chapter in 2005. Overall, the 51社区 Chapter has inducted over 75 student, faculty, and honorary members into the organization.