
The CERA collaborative research program is focused on both physical and societal aspects of environmental impact and restoration/re-use.  We are fundamentally a workforce development organization which strives to provide High School, Trade and Technical, Undergraduate and Graduate students the opportunities to work on real world problems alongside expert faculty and industry representatives to achieve socio-technological solutions to our Planet’s environmental problems.

In order to achieve this goal , our focus lives in five research themes.

  1. Advance the science for natural resource extraction waste management and decommissioning practices to improve and create new technologies and products which remediate and beneficially reuse waste resources while minimizing
  2. Develop and evaluate energy transition environmental technologies, traditional knowledge and community socio-economic factors to make available for land reuse and environmental decision-making
  3. Develop and evaluate climate adaption strategies which integrate carbon footprint assessment with technological development, design and evaluation
  4. Develop and evaluate sustainable and reliable remediation/restoration techniques which take into account changing climatic conditions, and

These goals require interdisciplinary collaboration and expertise to move forward and achieve success.  There are currently no entities developing and evaluating these techniques in a wholistic, convergent approach and there exists a need for an innovative, science- and data-focused research entity to ensure success.

Connect with CERA.

If you have questions or ideas for collaboration, please reach out.

Dr. Robin Bullock
Interim Director of CERA