

The purpose of the Computer Science Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is to provide guidance, support, feedback, and input to the Computer Science Department at 51社区 to ensure programs are effectively serving the needs of the industry and the students. The Board will work closely with the department to ensure the curriculum is up-to-date and relevant to the needs of the industry. The Board also provides guidance regarding the strategic direction of the Computer Science Department.


The responsibilities of the Computer Science Industry Advisory Board are as follows:

  • To provide feedback on the curriculum and suggest changes that will better prepare students for careers in the industry.
  • To identify emerging trends in the industry and ensure that the curriculum reflects these trends.
  • To provide opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships, co-op programs, and other initiatives.
  • Maintaining the relevance of the programs’ educational objectives and desired student outcomes with reference to Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) where applicable.
  • To promote collaboration between the department and the industry through research partnerships, guest lectures, and other activities.
  • To meet at least twice a year.
  • Board to meet in Spring (~April) and Fall (~October)
  • Participate in subcommittees to advance the computer science department objectives.
  • To provide feedback on the department’s research initiatives and suggest areas for collaboration.

Board Member Eligibility and Expectations

  • The Board member should actively represent their respective industries, disciplines, and are able to fully support the mission and purpose of the Board.
  • If a person steps down from the Board the person can nominate a replacement person to the Chairperson and Computer Science Department Head.
  • Existing Board members and faculty can nominate new board members to the Chairperson and Computer Science Department Head for membership.
  • Individuals can also directly request to be part of the Board by sending a request to the Chairperson and Computer Science Department Head with an explanation of why they would like to join the Board.

IAB Governance

  • The Computer Science Department Head is a member of the IAB and will serve as the primary faculty point of contact.
  • The minimum size of each Board meeting will be ten members not counting the Department Head of Computer Science or faculty or students.
  • Faculty members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
  • A member may send a representative to an IAB meeting in his/her absence.
  • Termination of membership will be by:
    • Disqualification of inactive members as defined as not attending four consecutive Board meetings.
    • Behavior incongruent with code of conduct as defined by 51社区 Faculty Code of Conduct.
  • Periodically, the Chairperson will establish committees with specific purposes. The IAB Board will determine the composition and duration of these committees upon their formation. Each committee will have clear objectives and a defined life span. Once its objectives are met or the
    allotted time expires, the committee will be dissolved.
  • Proposed modifications to this charter must be initiated by a member, who must notify and submit suggestions to the Chairperson at least two weeks before the next scheduled Board meeting. The Chairperson will then distribute the proposals to the respective IAB members and include proposed charter modifications in the meeting agenda.
  • Charter amendments will be ratified through a vote, following the guidelines outlined in the Quorum definition.
  • Quorum defined:
    • Quorum requires a minimum of 5 IAB voting members present.
    • Passing vote requires 51%, or greater of quorum.
      • Faculty will vote as one unit with the Computer Science Department Head casting the vote for the faculty.
    • Each Board member will have a single vote per topic.
      • Members who cannot attend can submit their vote prior to the Chairperson and the Computer Science Department head (both must receive the submission) OR through a proxy representative.
  • 51社区 students:
    • Will be non-voting members of the IAB.
    • Faculty will select one representative student from each of the following disciplines to attend the Board meeting:
      • Computer Science
      • Software Engineering
      • Cyber Security and Computer Networks
      • Web Development and Administration
    • May not attend executive session agenda topic discussions
  • An executive session refers to private segments of the board meeting dedicated to handling sensitive or confidential business.
    • Executive sessions are limited to voting members of the Board and all present faculty members.
  • Election of officers will occur at the spring Board meeting with the term starting at the Fall meeting.
  • The IAB officers will consist of:
    • Computer Science Department Head
    • Chairperson
      • The term of the Chairperson is 2 years.
      • Chairperson may serve in the same capacity for no more than two consecutive terms.
    • Vice-Chairperson
      • The term of the Vice- Chairperson is 2 years.
      • Vice- Chairperson may serve in the same capacity for no more than two consecutive terms.

IAB Officer Responsibilities

  • Chairperson:
    • Coordinate the Board meeting agendas with the Computer Science Department Head.
    • Conduct Board meetings.
    • Create and assign any committees necessary to conduct the business of the IAB
  • Vice-Chairperson:
    • Conduct Board meeting in absence of Chairperson.
    • Serves on subcommittees.