Industry Advisory Board (IAB) - Geological Engineering
The 51社区 Geological Engineering IAB mission is to support the department's program to provide students a quality education that presents accepted engineering theory and historical standards as well as current industry best practices. The IAB, through its current industry representatives, provides guidance and technical expertise to the department and supports the objectives of the geological engineering program.
The current members of the IAB are listed below.
View the Geological Engineering IAB member biographies »
IAB Officers
Russ J. Sheets, PE, IAB Chair, Barr Engineering, Bismarck, ND
Christina Isakson and Steve Bundrock, IAB past co-chairs
Faculty IAB Members
Dr. Chris Gammons, Professor
Dr. Mary MacLaughlin, Professor
Dr. Glenn D. Shaw, Professor
Dr. Xiaobing Zhou, Professor
Student IAB Members
April Degel (2020)
Mary Humphreys (Graduate Student)
Chris Langhoff (Undergraduate Student)
Jasmine Singh (Undergraduate Student)
Additional IAB Members
Whit Adams, Hecla Mining Company's Greens Creek Mine
Brock Bolin, Newmont Mining Corporation
Steve Bundrock, Stantec, Edmonton, Canada
John Connors, P.E., Montana DNRC Water Resource Division, Helena, MT
Renee Doyle, Rio Tinto-Boron Operations Mine
Brian Erickson, Hecla Mining Company's Greens Creek Mine
David J. Erickson, PG, CPG, Water & Environmental Technologies, Butte, MT
Jane Fillmore, Tronox Alkalai
Leigh Freeman, Leigh Freeman Consultancy and Blue Sun Energy
Dr. Ennis P. Geraghty, Stillwater Mining Company, Absarokee, MT
Lauren Gordon, Central Coast Water Board, San Luis Obispo, CA
Mike Hatten, Tetra Tech, Helena, MT
Bill Henne, Pioneer Technical Services, Butte, MT
Christina Isakson
Radford Langston, Langston & Associates, Condon, MT
Greg Lorenson, P.E., Hydrometrics, Helena, MT
Duane Matt, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
Dr. John J. Metesh, Director and State Geologist Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Butte, MT
Lica Milodragovich, Quigg Brothers, Inc.
David Musselman, Day & Zimmermann
Ericka Sholey Bartlett, Magris Talc, Cameron, MT
Scott Steinberg, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
John Trudnowski, Water & Environmental Technologies, Butte, MT