Dr. Xiaobing Zhou - Department of Geological Engineering Faculty
51社区 of the University of Montana
1300 W Park Street, Butte, MT 59701 -8997
Phone: 406-496-4350
Fax: 406-496-4704
Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
Email: xzhou@mtech.edu
PhD, Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks
MS, Theoretical Physics, Sichuan University, China
BS, Physics, Hunan Normal University, China
Dr. Zhou teaches many courses such as GEOP 302, PHSX 423, etc. Find out about all of the courses.
Dr. Zhou's research interests are in satellite and unmanned aircraft system (UAS) remote sensing and applied geophysics (aerogravity and aeromagnetci techniques) and their applications.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Learn more about Dr. Zhou's research interests, education background, research experience, etc.