Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Xiaobing Zhou - Department of Geological Engineering
Xiaobing Zhou, PhD, Professor
Department of Geophysical Engineering
51社区 of The University of Montana
tel:406-496-43501300 West Park Street, Butte, MT 59701-8997
Tel: 406-496-4350; Fax: 406-496-4704
Remote sensing theory, instrumentation, algorithm development, and applications in cryspheric science, geophysical exploration, geoinformatics, geology, hydrology, ecology, and earth system science. Activities include: 1) ground truth instrumentation, data collection, analysis and interpretation; 2) radiative transfer modeling of optical sensors and radar data; 3) algorithm development and field test for science data product derivation from optical sensor and active microwave data; 4) air-borne and space-borne remotely sensed image processing and interpretation. Environmental geophysics; Application of geophysics and physics in environmental problems.
EDUCATION- 1998-2002. PhD, Geophysics, Geophysical Institute & Department of Geology and Geophysics, , Alaska, USA.
- 1986-1989. MSci., Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China.
- 1982-1986. BSci., Physics, Department of Physics, , Changsha, Hunan, P. R. China.
- 2014 - present, Professor, Department of Geophysical Engineering,
- 2009- 2014, Associate Professor, Department of Geophysical Engineering,
- 2005 - 2009, Assistant Professor, Department of Geophysical Engineering,
- 2002 - 2005, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science,
- 1998 - 2002, Research Assistant, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- 1998 - 1998, Visiting Research Associate Professor, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- 1997 - 1998, Visiting Research Associate Professor,
- 1995 - 1997, Research Associate Professor, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), P. R. China
- 1992 - 1995, Research Assistant Professor, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), P. R. China
- 1989 - 1992, Research Assistant Professor on probation, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), P. R. China
- GEOP 475W Geophysical Engineering Senior Design (Spring 2017-2018)
- Geoprocessing in ArcGIS for Remote Sensing (Fall 09-)
- Remote Sensing and GIS Applications (Spring 09, Fall 10-)
- Electromagnetics (2007-2018)
- Field Geology & Geophysics (Co-teach, Summer, 06-19)
- Gravity and Magnetic Exploration (Spring, 06-19)
- Problems in Gravity & Magnetic Prospecting (Spring, 06-19)
- Electricity, Magnetism, & Wave Motion (06-18)
- Elements of Geophysics (Fall, 05-19)
- Electronics for Scientists (Fall, 05-15,19)
- Remote Sensing with Geoscience Applications (Spring 03- 05)
- Snow Hydrology (Fall, 2004)
- Remote Sensing in Hydrology (Fall, 2003)
- April 26 to June 25, 1998: Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP 98-3 to Antarctica. This cruise involves studies of snow and sea ice geophysics and biology, and penguins.
- December 20, 1998 to February 14, 1999: Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP 99-1 to Antarctica (mainly in Ross Sea). This cruise involves studies of Ross Sea summer snow and sea ice, MODIS/Terra products validation, sea ice microbiology.
- February 6 to April 3, 2000: Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP 00-1 to Antarctica (mainly in the Ross, Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas). This cruise involves studies of the abundance and distribution of seals and penguins; and population genetics and immunogenetics of pack ice seals, geophysics of snow and ice and MODIS/Terra product validation, spatial and temporal variability of austral summer sea ice, glacio-oceanography, glacial history of the Amundsen sea shelf.
- June 17 2003 to July 4 2004: NASA MODIS surface temperature and emissivity algorithm validation, Field Campaign to Railroad Valley, Ely, Nevada.
- August 2003 to February 2004, over 15 field campaigns to Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Research sites at central New Mexico for geophysical process (electromagnetic scattering and transfer) of vegetation in drought stress.
- American Geophysical Union
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
- International Association of Hydrological Sciences
- Committee member of the following committees: Instructional Improvement Committee, 51社区 of the University of Montana (since 2005-); Library Committee, 51社区 of the University of Montana (since 2005-); , 51社区 of the University of Montana (since 2005-); Large River Ecosystems Advisory Committee, Montana NSF EPSCoR program (since 2007-2010); STEM faculty member, Clark Fork Watershed Education Program (CFWEP) Teacher's Academy (since 2007-2010); New Faculty Seed Grant Committee, 51社区 of the University of Montana (since 2008-); NASA/Montana Space Grant Consortium representative of 51社区 of the University of Montana (since 2010-); AmericaView/MontanaView representative of 51社区 of the University of Montana (since 2010-).
- Proposal reviewer for: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (); National Science Foundation (); NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research (); NASA Postdoctoral Program (); Basic Research Program, Defense Treat Reduction Agency (), Department of Defense (DOD); United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (); International peer-reviewer for Georgian National Science Foundation ()
- Manuscript reviewer for the following journals: Advances in Space Research, Advances in Atmosphreic Science, Advances in Water Resources, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Ecological Informatics, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Exploration Geophysics, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Geophysics, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Hydrological Processes, IEEE Transactions on Geosience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, International Journal of Numerical Modeling, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Near Surface Geophysics, Planetary and Space Science, Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, Sensors, The Professional Geographer, Water Resources Research
- Coordinator of seminar of hydrology for Department of Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Fall 03-Spring 04) (I contacted and organized 18 regular seminars and organized participation in 10 cyberseminars given by Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Incorporated (CUAHSI) for the department.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Wu, S., X. Zhang, J. Du, X. Zhou, Y. Tuo, Z. Duan, and R. Li, The vertical influence of temperature and precipitation on snow cover variability in the Central Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2019..
- Li, W., J. Du, S. Li, X. Zhou, Z. Duan, R. Li, S. Wu, S. Wang, M. Li, The variation of vegetation productivity and its relationship to temperature and precipitation based on the GLASS-LAI of different African ecosystems from 1982 to 2013. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2019. .
- Zhou, X., Z. *Zhou, J. *Miao, M. E. Apple, and L. Spangler, Quantification of water and exposed lined areas of coal-bed methane water ponds using regular true-color images by developing a novel uniformness based multi-component algorithm. Journal of Hydrology, 2019. .
- Chen, J., C. Ke, X. Zhou, Variations in the extent and elevation of the Larsen A and B ice shelves, Antarctica, derived from multiple datasets. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12:4, 046019, 2018. PDF. .
- Xie, S., J. Du, X. Zhou, X. Zhang, X. Feng, W. Zheng, Z. Li, C.Y. Xu, A progressive segmented optimization algorithm for calibrating time-variant parameters of the snowmelt runoff model (SRM). Journal of Hydrology, 566,470-483, 2018. PDF..
- *Li, M., X. Zhou, C. H. Gammons, M. Khalil, and M. Speece, "Aeromagnetic and spectral expressions of rare earth element deposits in Gallinas Mountains area, Central New Mexico, USA", Interpretation, 6(4), 1-13, 2018. PDF.
- *Miao, J., T.-Z. Huang, X. Zhou, Y. Wang, and J. Liu, “mage segmentation based on an active contour model of partial image restoration with local cosine fitting energy”, Information Sciences, 447, 52-71, 2018. PDF. .
- Lu, Y., C.-Q. Ke, X. Zhou, M. Wang, H. Lin, D. Chen, H. Jiang, “Monitoring land deformation in Changzhou City (China) with multi-band InSAR datasets from 2006 to 2012”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39:4, 1151-1174, 2017. PDF. .
- Zheng, W., J. Du, X. Zhou, M. Song, G. Bian, S. Xie, X. Feng, “Vertical distribution of snow cover and its relationship to temperature over the Manasi River Basin of Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China”, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(4), 403-419, 2017. PDF. .
- He, L., C. Ke, X. Zhou, Y. Cui, L. Shan, “Antarctic sea ice change based on a new sea ice dataset from 1992 to 2008”, Climate Research, 71, 155-169, 2016. PDF..
- Xia, X., C. Ke, X. Zhou, and J. Zhang, “Assessment and adjustment of sea surface salinity products from Aquarius in the southeast Indian Ocean based on in situ measurement and MyOcean modeled data”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(3), 54-62, 2016. PDF.
- Chen, J., C. Ke, X. Zhou, Z. Shao and L. Li, “Surface velocity estimations of ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula derived from MODIS data”, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(2), 243-256, 2016. PDF.
- *Jewell, S., X. Zhou, M. E. Apple, L. M. Dobeck, L. H. Spangler, A. B. Cunningham, "Bulk electric conductivity response to soil and rock CO2 concentration during controlled CO2 release experiments: Observations and analytic modeling". Geophysics, 80 (no.6), E293-E308, 2015. PDF.
- *Kellogg, C. H., and X. Zhou, "Impact of the construction of a large dam on riparian vegetation cover at different elevation zones as observed from remotely sensed data", International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 32, 19-34, 2014. PDF.
- Sharma, B., M. E. Apple, X. Zhou, J. M. Olsona, C. Dorshorst, L. M. Dobeck, A. B. Cunningham, L. H. Spangler, "Physiological responses of dandelion and orchard grass leaves to experimentally released upwelling soil CO2", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 24, 139-148, 2014. PDF.
- Zhou, X., M. Apple, L. M. Dobeck, A. B. Cunningham, L. H. Spangler, "Observed response of soil O2 concentration to leaked CO2 from an engineered CO2 leakage experiment", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 16, 116-128, 2013. PDF.
- *Song, K., X. Zhou, Y. Fan, "Algorithm for the retrieval of soil moisture from radar backscattering coefficient", The HKIE Transactions, 20(2), 124-132, 2013. PDF.
- Zhou, X., "Gravity inversion of 2D bedrock topography for heterogeous sedimentary basins based on line integral and maximum difference reduction methods", Geophysical Prospecting, 60 (3), 2012. PDF.
- *Song, K., X. Zhou, Y. Fan, "Electromagnetic scattering from a multilayered surface with lossy inhomogeneous dielectric profiles for remote sensing of snow", Progress in Electromanetics Research M, 25, 197-209, 2012. PDF.
- Zhou, X., V. R. Lakkaraju, M. Apple, L. M. Dobeck, K. Gullickson, J. A. Shaw, A. B. Cunningham, L. Wielopolski, L. H. Spangler, "Experimental observation of signature changes in bulk soil electrical conductivity in response to engineered surface CO2 leakage", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 7, 20-29, 2012. PDF.
- *Song, K., X. Zhou, and Y. Fan, "Retrieval of soil moisture content from microwave backscattering using a modified IEM model", Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, 26, 383-399, 2010. PDF.
- *Lakkaraju, V. R., X. Zhou, M. Apple, A. Cunningham, L. M. Dobeck, K. Gullickson, L. H. Spangler, "Studying the vegetation response to the simulated leakage of sequestered CO2 using spectral vegetation indices", Ecological Informatics, special issue on ecological remote sensing, 5, 379-389, 2010. PDF.
- Zhou, X., "Analytical solution of gravity anomaly of irregular two-dimensional (2D) masses with density contrast varying as a 2D polynomial function", Geophysics, 75 (2), I11-I19, 2010. PDF.
- *Song, K., X. Zhou, Y. Fan, "Multilayer soil model for improvement of soil moisture estimation using the small perturbation method". Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 3, 033567, DOI: 10.1117/1.3277666, 2009. PDF.
- Zhou, X., "Three-dimensional (3D) vector gravity potential and line integrals for the gravity anomaly of a rectangular prism with 3D variable density contrast". Geophysics, 74 (6), I43-I53, 2009. PDF.
- *Song, K., X. Zhou, Y. Fan, "Empirically adopted IEM for retrieval of soil moisture from radar backscattering coefficients", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(6), 1662-1672, 2009. PDF.
- Zhou, X., "Discussion on 'Gravity anomalies of 2D bodies with variable density contrast' (GEOPHYSICS, 66, no.3, 809-813)". Geophysics, 74 (4), X3-X4, 2009. PDF.
- *Song, K., Y. Fan, and X. Zhou, "Broadband Radial Waveguide Power Amplifier Using a Spatial Power Combining Technique". IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 3 (8), 1179-1185, DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0299, 2009. PDF.
- Zhou, X., H. Guan, H. Xie, and J. L. Wilson, "Analysis and Optimization of NDVI Definitions and Areal Fraction Models in Remote Sensing of Vegetation", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(3), 721-751, 2009. PDF.
- *Song, K., Y. Fan, X. Zhou, "Broadband millimeter-wave passive spatial combiner based on coaxial waveguide". IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 3(4), 607-613, 2009. PDF.
- Zhou, X., N.-B. Chang, S. Li, "Applications of SAR Interferometry in Earth and Environmental Science Research", Sensors, 9, 1876-1912, 2009. PDF.
- Zhou, X., "General line integrals for gravity anomalies of irregular two-dimensional (2D) masses with horizontally- and vertically-dependent density contrast", Geophysics, 74(2), I1-I7, 2009. PDF. This paper has been featured as "Geophysics bright spots" in the journal "" April 2009.
- *Song, K., Y. Fan, and X. Zhou, "Investigation of broadband power amplifier with high power-combining efficiency", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 50(8), 2178-2181, 2008. PDF.
- Zhou, X., "2D vector gravity potential and line integrals for the gravity anomaly caused by a 2D mass of depth-dependent density contrast", Geophysics, 73 (6), I43-I50, 2008. PDF.
- *Song, K., Y. Fan, X. Zhou, "Broadband multilayer in-phase power divider", Electronics Letters, 44(6), 417-419, 2008. PDF.
- Makkeasorn, A., N. B. Chang, and X. Zhou, "Stream flow forecasting with the aid of NEXRAD, sea surface temperatures, and meteorological characteristics using genetic programming", Journal of Hydrology, 352, 336-354, 2008. PDF.
- *Song, K., Y. Fan, X. Zhou, "X-band broadband substrate integrated rectangular waveguide power divider",Electronics Letters, 44(3), 211-213, 2008. PDF.
- Zhou, X., N.-B. Chang, and S. Li, "Detection of Coastal Region Sea Ice Decay from Orthorectified RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Imagery: A Case Study of Bering Strait and Norton Sound, Alaska", Journal of Environmental Informatics, 10(1), 37-46, 2007. PDF.
- Zhou, X., S. Li, K. Morris, and M. O. Jeffries, "Albedo of summer snow on sea ice, Ross Sea, Antarctica", Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D16105, doi:10.1029/2006JD007907, 2007. PDF.
- Wang, X., Xie, H., Guan, H., Zhou, X., "Different responses of MODIS-derived NDVI to root-zone soil moisture in semi-arid and humid regions", Journal of Hydrology, 340(1-2), 12-24, 2007. PDF.
- Xie , H., X. Zhou, J. Hendrickx, E. Vivoni, H. Guan, Y. Tian, and E. Small, "Evaluation of NEXRAD Stage III precipitation data over a semiarid region", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 42(1), 237-256, 2006. PDF.
- Zhou, X., H. Xie, and J.M.H. Hendrickx, "Statistical evaluation of remotely sensed snow-cover products with constraints from streamflow and SNOTEL measurements", Remote Sensing of Environment, 94(2), 214-231, 2005.PDF.
- Xie, H., X. Zhou, E. Vivoni, E. Small, and J.M.H. Hendrickx, "Development of a GIS based NEXRAD precipitation database: automated approaches for data processing and visualization", Computers & Geosciences, 31(1), 65-76, 2005. PDF.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, "Modeling and measuring spectral bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) of snow-covered sea ice: An intercomparison study", Hydrological Processes, 18(18), 3559 - 3581, 2004. PDF. This paper has been collected into the .
- Zhou, X., S. Li, and K. Stamnes, "Effects of vertical inhomogeneity on snow spectral albedo and its implication for optical remote sensing of snow", Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D23), 4738, doi:10.1029/2003JD003859, 2003. PDF. As cited by Drs. Dozier and Painter in Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science (vol. 32, pp. 465-494, 2004), assumption that the snow can be characterized by a single effective grain radius, and liquid water in the snow does not affect the retrievals of snow cover area and grain size "is often invalid because the penetration depths of different wavelengths vary according to the transparency of ice, so near-surface variability of grain size causes confusing results (Zhou et al., 2003)".
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "Comparison between in situ and MODIS-derived spectral reflectances of snow and sea ice in the Amundsen sea, Antarctica, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24 (24), 5011-5032, 2003. PDF.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, "Assessment of the accuracy of snow surface direct beam spectral albedo derived under various overcast skies by reciprocal approach through radiative transfer simulation", Applied Optics, 42 (27), 5427-5441, 2003. PDF.
- Zhou, X., S. Li, and K. Stamnes, "Geometrical-optics code for computing the optical properties of large dielectric spheres"", Applied Optics, 42 (21), 4295-4306, 2003. PDF. This paper has been collected into the . The code was cited by Dr. Thomas Wriedt ( Institut fuer Werkstofftechnik, University of Bremen, Germany) as "GOMsphere is a geometrical-optics program by Xiaobing Zhou to calculate the scattering coefficients and phase function of unpolarized radiation by large dielectric spheres" in his collection of new electromagnetic scattering programs.
- Deng, P., B. Deng, J. Huang, J. Yan, X. Zhou, "Optimized design of the FEB-E divertor structure", Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, 22 (2), 119-121, 2002.
- Zhou, X., S. Li, and K. Morris, "Measurement of all-wave and spectral albedo of snow surface on the summer sea ice in the Ross Sea ", Annals Glaciology, 33, 267-274, 2001. PDF. (This work was cited by Dr. Robert A. Massom et al. in their paper "Snow on Antarctic sea ice" published in Reviews of Geophysics, 39, 413-445, 2001 as:"In the Ross Sea, for example, Zhou et al. [2001] found that the total albedo of the snow on sea ice decreased between the continent and the ice edge, i.e., from south to north, due to an increase in snow wetness and grain size". It was also cited by Dr Brandt et al in their paper "Surface albedo of the Antarctic sea ice zone", Journal of Climate, 18(17), 3606-3622, 2005; by Dr Tin et al. in their paper "A field and numerical study of the evolution of sea-ice thickness in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, 1998-99", Journal of Glaciology, 50(170), 436-446, 2004.
- Zhu, Y., X. Zhou, J. Huang, K. Feng, P. Deng, and T. Huo, "Study of the dynamic gas target divertor in the FEB-E", Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, 20 (2), 73-80, 2000.
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, K. Feng, Y. Zhu, K. He, X. Gong, "Effects of erosion and deposition on the lifetime of a divertor target plate", Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, 18 (4), 17-22, 1998.
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, X. Xie, and J. Huang, "Optimization on the temperatures of divertor plasma and divertor plate in the FEB", Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, 17 (2), 37-43, 1997.
- Zhou, X., Z. Wang, G. Sheng, "Relativistically stochastic acceleration of electrons in plasma driven by a standing wave", Acta Physica Sinica, 44 (11), 1776-1782, 1995.
- Zhou, X., X. Deng, C. Zhao, L. Ming, Z. Tian, "The Vlasov equilibrium in the electrostatically plugged tandem mirror machine MM-4U", Communication of Theoretical Physics 24 (2), 239-246, 1995.
- Wang, Z., X. Qiu, and X. Zhou, "Rigorous h-pairing ground state in an extended Hubbard Model, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28, 3417-3420, 1995.
- Zhou, X., S. Guo, G. Sheng, G. Hu, "Acceleration of a relativistic electron in the ionosphere", Publications of Purple Mountain Observatory, 13 (3), 233-237, 1994.
- Zhou, X., C. Zhao, L. Ming, Z. Tian, "A theoretic study on the confinement configuration in the electrostatically plugged tandem mirror MM-4U", Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, 14 (3), 11-16, 1994.
- Ming, L., R. Ye, G. Wu, Z. Li, X. Zhou, et al., "Experiments on instability and potential confinement in MM-4U Tandem Mirror", Acta Physica Sinica, 43(4), 597-603, 1994.
- Zhou, X., C. Zhao, "Transition between trapped electrons and runaway electrons induced by electron cyclotron wave in magnetic mirror plasma", Acta Physica Sinica, 42 (8), 1257-1265, 1993.
- Zhou, X., S. Hu, L. Zhang, C. Zhao, "Mass-effect of quarks in freeze-out from quark-gluon plasma", Chinese Physics Letter 8 (6), 282-285, 1991.
Dissertation and theses
- Zhou, X., 2002. Optical Remote Sensing of Snow on Sea Ice: Ground Measurements, Satellite Data Analysis, and Radiative Transfer Modeling. PhD Dissertation. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA.
- Zhou, X., 1989. The Production and Evolution of Quark-gluon Plasma Generated in Relativistic Nucleus-nucleus Collisions. M. S. Thesis. Department of Physics, Sichuan University, China.
- Zhou, X., 1986. Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown of a Physical Vacuum. B. S. Thesis. Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University, China.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, “Comparison among simulated snow-surface bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF), hemispherical-directional reflectance factor (HDRF) and field measurements”, In: Proc. IEEE 2004 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’04), 20-24 September, Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. II, pp. 903-905, 2004.
- Marshall, G., and X. Zhou, “Drought Detection in Semi-Arid Regions using Remote Sensing of Vegetation Indices and Drought Indices”, In: Proc. IEEE 2004 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’04), 20-24 September, Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. III, pp.1555-1558, 2004.
- Xie, H., E. Small, J. Hendrickx, M. Richmond, and X. Zhou, GIS Based NexRAD Precipitation (Stage 3) Database, Proceedings of the ESRI 2003 User Conference, July 7-11, San Diego, CA.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, “Accuracy assessment of snow surface direct beam spectral albedo derived from reciprocity approach through radiative transfer simulation” In: Proc. IEEE 2003 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03) , Vol. II, pp. 839-841, 2003.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, “Sub-pixel Correction in Comparison between In Situ and Satellite Derived Spectral Reflectance”. In: Proc. IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’02) and 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 24-28 June, Toronto, Canada, Vol. II, pp. 976-978, 2002.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, “Phase Functions of Large Snow Meltclusters Calculated Using the Geometrical Optics Method”. In: Proc. IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’02) and 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 24-28 June, Toronto, Canada, Vol. VI, pp. 3576-3578, 2002.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, “Derivation and Comparison of Bi-directional Reflectance Functions of First-year and Multi-year Sea Ice Types in the Southern Ocean”. In: Proc. IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’02) and 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 24-28 June, Toronto, Canada, Vol. III, pp. 1944-1946, 2002.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, “Deriving Reciprocal Kernel Functional Expression of Antarctic Sea Ice Surface BRDF from Field Measurements”, published in: Proc. IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’02) and 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 24-28 June, Toronto, Canada, Vol. IV, pp. 2173-2175, 2002.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, “Derivation of surface direct beam spectral albedo for a wide range of incident angles from spectral reflectance measurements under overcast skies”, published in: Proc. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’01), 9-13 July 2001, Sydney, Australia, pp.1801-1803, 2001.
- Li, S., and X. Zhou, K. Morris and M. Jeffries, “The spatial variability of summer sea ice in the Amundsen sea seen from MODIS, RADARSAT SCANSAR and LANDSAT 7 ETM+ Images”, published in: Proc. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’01), 9-13 July 2001, Sydney, Australia, pp.160-162, 2001.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "Concentration determination of sea ice pressure ridges in the Ross Sea based on radar backscatter and object delineation methods”, published in: Proc. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’00), 24-28 July 2000, Hawaii, USA, pp.1323-1325, 2000.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "Measurement of BRDF of snow and sea ice in the Ross and Amundsen Seas by the visible and near-infrared channels of MODIS", published in: Proc. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’00), 24-28 July 2000, Hawaii, USA, pp.1567-1569, 2000.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "Summer and Winter Snow and Sea Ice Surface Spectral Directional Reflectance and Albedo Measured in the Ross Sea", Published in: Proc. IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’99), June 28-July 2, 1999, Vol. I, Hamburg, Germany, pp.104-106, 1999.
- Li, S., X. Zhou, and K. Morris, "Measurement of Snow and Sea Ice Surface Temperature and Emissivity in the Ross Sea", published in: Proc. IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’99), June 28-July 2, 1999, Vol. I, Hamburg, Germany, pp.1034-1036, 1999.
- Zhou, X., S. Li, and K. Stamnes, “GOMsphere: A Comprehensive Geometrical Optics FORTRAN Code for Computation of Absorption and Single Scattering Properties of Large Dielectric Spheres – Documentation of Algorithm”, Version 1.0, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, May 2003. Available online at
- Zhou, X., and M. S. Tillack, “Assessment of Liquid Metal as the Divertor Surface of a Fusion Power Plant”, UCSD Technical Reports UCSD-ENG-079, Fusion Division, Center for Energy Research, University of California San Diego, January 1998, pp.1-45. The electronic version of it is available at: . This work was later (2001) cited by Dr. Ralph W. Moir (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) as “…. However, your formula is much nicer than Carslaw's which is a series and therefore messy. Your obtaining the spherical solution from a transformation from the finite slab solution (Kammash) I thought was very creative!…”.
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, Z. Xie, and J. Huang, "A study of the transport of the divertor plasma and edge impurity in a tokamak reactor", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, November 1996 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., "Effect of the redeposition of eroded material of divertor plate and deposition of impurity on the life-time of diverotr target", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, October 1996.
- Zhao, G., J. Huang, X. Zhou, and Y. Zhu, "Helium-cooled thermal design for a FEB divertor target", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, November 1996 (in Chinese).
- Zhu, Y., J. Huang, X. Zhou, and K. Feng, " 1996 annual reprot of FEB gas target divertor engineering outline design", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, December 1996 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, Z. Xie, and J. Huang, "Divertor plasma transport and the opration analysis of the divertor of the Fusion Engineering Breeder (FEB)", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, October 1995 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, and Z. Xie, "Optimization of the parameters of the divertor plasma of the Steady State Reactor (SST)", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, December 1995 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, and Z. Xie, "Development of a 2D Reactor Divertor Plasma Transport (2D-RDPT) Code", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, November 1994 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., "Solution of MHD Equations of the divertor plasma by the combination of implicit MacCormack scheme and FCT algorithm", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, December 1994 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., "Stochastic heating of relativistic electrons in a stanging wave", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, November 1993 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., C. Zhao, L. Ming, and Z. Tian, "Theoretic study on electric potential confinement configuration and density profiles in the electrostatically plugged tandem mirror MM-4U", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, December 1992 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., "Transition between trapped plasma particles and runaway particles by external magnetic field", SWIP Report, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China, December 1991 (in Chinese).
- Zhou, X., Luoma, J. Natale, "A fluxgate magnetogradiometer for an unmanned aircraft system: design and test". NH22A-03 (orally presented by Sierra Luoma), American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, Washington, D.C., December 10-14, 2018. .
- Zhou, X., Z. Zhou, M. Apple, and L. Spangler, "Composition and Structure of Microalgae Indicated in Raman and Hyperspectral Spectra and Scanning Electron Microscopy: from Cyanobacteria to Isolates from Coal-bed Methane Water Ponds". Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, 2017. .
- Zhou, Z., X. Zhou, M. Apple, and L. Spangler, "Quantification of Concentration of Microalgae Anabaena Cylindrica, Coal-bed Methane Water Isolates Nannochloropsis Gaditana and PW-95 in Aquatic Solutions through Hyperspectral Reflectance Measurement and Analytical Model Establishment". Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, 2017. .
- Miao, J., Z. Zhou, X. Zhou, T. Huang, "Improving Long-term Quality and Continuity of Landsat-7 Data Through Inpainting of Lost Data Based on the Nonconvex Model of Dynamic Dictionary Learning". Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, 2017. .
- X. Zhou, Z. Zhou, M. E Apple, and L. Spangler, "Monitoring of coalbed water retention ponds in the Powder River Basin using Google Earth images and an Unmanned Aircraft System". NS42A-04 (poster presentation), American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2016. .
- Ogunsakin, O. , M. E. Apple, X. Zhou, B. Peyton, and L. Spangler, "Green Algae from Coal Bed Methane Ponds as a Source of Fertilizer for Economically Important Plants of Montana". NS42A-04 (poster presentation), American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2016.
- Li, M., and X. Zhou, "Aeromagnetic expression of rare earth element (REE) deposits in New Mexico, USA". NS42A-04 (poster presentation), American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2016.
- Zhou, Z., and X. Zhou, "Accuracy comparison in mapping water bodies using Landsat images and Google Earth Images". NS42A-04 (poster presentation), American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2016. .
- Zhou, X., "Improving Accuracy in Locating Magnetic Sources: Combing Homogeneous Locator and Extreme Values for Inversion”, NS42A-04 (oral presentation), 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18, 2015.
- Zhou, X., “A 3D homogeneous locator for magnetic anomalous sources: algorithm development and testing”, NS42A-06 (oral presentation), 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 15-19, 2014.
- Adewuyi, A., and Zhou, "Derivation of volumetric liquid water content from the RADARSAT-1 SAR images over a permafrost region in interior Alaska". C21C-0384 (poster), 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 15-19, 2014.
- Knatterud, L., J. Mosolf, M. Speece, and Zhou, "Geophysical investigation of Avon Valley, West-Central Montana, using gravity and seismic reflection profiling". T43C-4752 (poster), 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 15-19, 2014.
- Zhou, X., and C. H. Kellogg, “Remote sensing of the impact of a large dam on the riparian vegetation canopy”. H077 (poster). 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 9-13, 2013.
- Zhou, X., M. E. Apple, L. Dobeck, A. B. Cunningham, L. Spangler. “Multi-technique monitoring of CO2 leakage from an engineered CO2 leakage experiment”. H44B-02 (oral presentation). 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 3-7, 2012.
- Apple, M. E., O. Rowe, X. Zhou, S. Jewell, L. Dobeck, A. Cunningham, L. Spangler, “Responses of mycorrhizal symbioses to deliberate leaks from an experimental co2 sequestration field: the ZERT site”. H44B-02 (oral presentation). 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 3-7, 2012.
- Zhou, X., V. R. Lakkaraju, M. Apple, L. M. Dobeck, A. Cunningham, and L. H. Spangler, “Changes of spectral and radiometric properties of vegetation and soil electric properties in response to simulated CO2 leakage of geologically sequestered CO2”. NS-22A (poster). 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 13-17, 2010.
- Sharma, B.A., M. Apple, S. J. Morales, Zhou, J. M. Olson, J. B. Prince, L. Dobeck., A. J. Cunningham, and L. H. Spangler, “Stomatal conductance, distribution of plant species, and an exploration of rhizosphere microbes and mycorrhizae at an experimental carbon sequestration field with deliberate leaks of CO2 (ZERT)”. NS-22A (poster). 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17, 2010.
- Zhou, X., V. R. Lakkaraju, M. Apple, L. M. Dobeck, K. Gullickson, A. Cunningham, L. Wielopolski, L. H. Spangler, "Spectral signature of vegetation and electrical conductivity signature of soil in response to surface CO2 leakage", Oral presentation at 2010 Intermountain GIS Conference, Bozeman, MT, April 19-23, 2010.
- Kellogg, C., and Zhou, "Monitoring of vegetation in the riparian corridor with dams using remote sensing integrated with geographic information system", in Proceedings for Rivers of Change: Science, Policy & the Environment, American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Montana section 2010 Conference, October 14-15, 2010, Helena, Montana.
- Kellogg, C., and Zhou, "Building a satellite-based remote sensing monitoring system of vegetation in the riparian corridor to study the effects of dam removal and construction", 2010 Intermountain GIS Conference, Bozeman, MT, April 19-23, 2010.
- Apple, M., J. Prince, A. Bradley, B. Sharma, V. Lakkaraju, Zhou, E. Male, W. Pickles, J. Thordsen, L. Dobeck, A. Cunningham, and L. Spangler, “An In-situ Root-Imaging System in the Context of Surface Detection of CO2 at ZERT”. H21E-0898 (poster). 2009 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18, 2009.
- Zhou, X., and H. Xie, “GIS Database Establishment of Rainfall and Snow Cover for Upper Rio Grande River Basin from Remotely Sensed Spatial Data”, Fifth Annual River Center Conference, University of Montana, Missoula, September 20-21, 2007.
- Zhou, X., H. Guan, H. Xie, and J. L. Wilson, “Unification of NDVI definitions and areal fraction models in remote sensing of vegetation”, AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, B41A-0167, San Francisco, CA, December 11 - 15, 2006.
- Zhou, X., S. Li, H. Xie, H. Guan, C. Link, and M. Speece, “Retrieval of Liquid Water Content from Radar Backscattering Coefficient for Soil-snow Mixed Terrain”, INSA Space Policy Institute '05 Conference, Big Sky, Montana, September 16-18, 2005.
- Xie, H., H. Guan, Zhou, and J. L. Wilson, “Relation of below-root-zone soil moisture and surface NDVI from optical remote sensing imagery”, ASPRS 2005 Annual conference -- Geospatial Goes Global: From Your Neighborhood to the Whole Planet, Baltimore, Maryland, March 7-11, 2005.
- Xie, H., E. R. Vivoni, Zhou, and J. Hendrickx, Rainfall Climatology of the Monsoon Season in New Mexcio: Observations from NEXRAD Stage III (1996-2003), 16th Symposium on Global Change & Climate Variations and 85th AMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA., January 9-13, 2005.
- Xie, H., Zhou, and J. Hendrickx, Evaluation of MODIS snow-cover products with constraints from streamflow and SNOTEL data. 2004 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13–17 December 2004.
- Zhou, X., Xie, and J. Hendrickx, “Statistical evaluation of MODIS daily and 8-day product with constraints from streamflow and SNOTEL measurements in the Upper Rio Grande River basin”, First Workshop on Earth Observing System (EOS) Snow and Ice Products will be held near Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, 16-17 November 2004.
- Li, S., & Zhou, “Modeling and measuring spectral bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) of snow: An intercomparison study”, Workshop on Hydrological Modeling of Freshwater Discharge from the Alaskan Aarctic Coast., International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. October 7-8, 2004.
- Xie, H., G. R. Keller, and Zhou, “GIS-based automated time-series remote sensing data conversion and information retrieval”, GSA Abstracts, Vol. 36, No. 5. GSA Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado, November 7-10, 2004.
- Zhou, X., H. Xie, G. Marshall, and H. Guan, “Spectral signature and emissive characteristics of drought-stressed vegetation – implication for remote sensing of drought stress”, ASPRS 2004 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 23-28, 2004.
- Xie, H., J. Hendrickx, E. R. Vivoni, and Zhou, 2004. “Estimation of spatial-temporal rainfall frequency during the New Mexico monsoon period using archived, high-resolution NEXRAD radar products”, ASPRS 2004 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 23-28, 2004.
- Li, S., and Zhou, "Comparison of simulated spectral bidirectional reflectance function of snow-covered austral summer sea ice with measurement", EOS Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C42C-06, 2003.
- Li, S., and Zhou, "Sensitivity of Estimation of Snow Surface Direct Beam Spectral Albedo by Reciprocity Approach to Various Sky and Surface Conditions, AGU 2002 Fall Meeting, EOS Trans. Suppl. 83(47), p. F539, 2002.
- Zhou, X., S. Li, and K. Morris, “Spatial variation of, and correlations among, snow surface albedo and physical parameters of summer snow cover on sea ice in the Ross Sea, Antarctica”, EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IP51A-0724, 2001.
- Li, S., and Zhou, “Post-processing of Bi-directional reflectance distribution function measurements of summer sea ice in the Southern Ocean”, EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IP42A-0690, 2001.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "Comparison of ground-measured spectral reflectance of snow and sea ice in the southern ocean with MODIS-retrieved values", 4th International Symposium on Remote Sensing in Glaciology, College Park, MD (USA), 4-8 Jun 2001. (World Meeting Number 000 5481).
- Li, S., Zhou, K. Morris, and M. Jeffries, "Variability of summer sea ice in the Southern Ocean seen from MODIS and RADARSAT images", 4th International Symposium on Remote Sensing in Glaciology, College Park, MD (USA), 4-8 Jun 2001. (World Meeting Number 000 5481).
- Li, S., Zhou, K. Morris, and M. Jeffries, "Validation of MODIS derived sea ice cover and ice-surface temperature in the Southern Ocean", International Symposium on Sea Ice & Its Interactions with the Ocean Atmosphere and Biosphere, Fairbanks, Alaska (USA), 19-23 Jun 2000. (World Meeting Number 000 5219).
- Zhou, X., S. Li, and K. Morris, "Measurements and modeling of solar radiation and albedo on the summer melting snow and sea ice in the Ross Sea", International Symposium on Sea Ice & Its Interactions with the Ocean Atmosphere and Biosphere, Fairbanks, Alaska (USA), 19-23 Jun 2000. (World Meeting Number 000 5219).
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "Measurement of the albedo of melting snow and sea ice in the Ross Sea 1999 and its comparison with modeling results", (Abstracts), in EOS, Transaction, American Geophysical Union, 1999 Fall Meeting, Volume 80, No.46, November 16, 1999/Supplement, San Francisco, USA, 1999.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, " Measurement and modeling of the spectral albedo of snow and sea ice in Ross Sea in Austral Summer", oral presentation at 50th Arctic Science Conference, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA, 19-22 September 1999.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "High Resolution Sea Ice Surface BRDF Measurements in the Ross Sea in Austral Winter", Poster, 49th Arctic Science Conference/IARC Inauguration, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 25-28 October 1998.
- Li, S., Zhou, and K. Morris, "Multi-Sensor Measurements and Comparisons of Winter Sea Ice and Snow Temperatures in the Ross Sea in 1998", Poster, 49th Arctic Science Conference/IARC Inauguration, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 25-28 October 1998.
- Zhou, X., and S. Li, "A Comparison Study of Snow Surface BRDF Measured in the Ross Sea and Alaska Regions", in 1998 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, AGU volume 79, San Francisco, USA, November 10, 1998.
- Li, S., Zhou, and K. Morris, "Snow and Sea Ice Surface Temperature and Its Variability in the Ross Sea Measured during a 1998 Winter Cruise", in 1998 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, AGU volume 79, San Francisco, USA, November 10, 1998.
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, J. Huang, P. Deng, Y. Zhu, and Z. Xie, “Design and optimization of the divertor of the Fusion Experimental Breeder", The Fourth International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, Tokyo, Japan, April 6-11, 1997.
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, X. Xie, and J. Huang, “Impurity transport in the edge region of the core of the Fusion Experimental Breeder (FEB)”, presented at: The 6th Symposium on Numerical Computational and Particle Transport in Nuclear Reactors, Guilin, Oct.14 – 18, 1996.
- Zhou, X., G. Sheng, X. Xie, J. Huang, “Operation analysis of the divertor plate of the Fusion the 3rd Sino-Japan Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems, Chengdu, China, Oct.30-Nov.2, 1995.