
The Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) functions in an oversight and review capacity. It reviews and approved all curriculum matters – both at the undergraduate and graduate level – before sending any of these matters to the General Faculty. In this capacity the CRC ensures the following:

  1. That all curriculum changes coming from an individual department are coordinated with the curricula of other departments and do not impact negatively other curricula and;
  2. That academic standards are upheld.

Thus, the Curriculum Review Committee will first review and then submit to the faculty with a positive or negative recommendation all curriculum issues submitted to it by a School/College. These matters will include all new courses, all course changes, all newly developed academic programs and all academic program changes. Before acting on anything, the CRC will circulate all proposed curriculum matters to all Deans and to the Provost.

The CRC, of itself, may initiate curriculum changes. However, the normal flow for curriculum matters is first from a department to its college, then to the CRC, next to the General Faculty (Faculty Senate), and finally to the Board of Regents. In effect, approval is required from one group before proceeding to the next group in the “flow.” Following this chain of command will ensure open communication, discussion, and input and will enhance the process of “reviewing” curricula.


The CRC membership shall be as follows:

  • One member below the rank of Dean from each academic department;
  • One student member;
  • Registrar (ex-officio member);
  • One member from the Library (ex-officio member);
  • Provost (ex-officio member); and
  • Faculty Senate representative.
  • Finally, the Chairman shall be elected by the committee.

Meetings & Curriculum Requests

The CRC typically meets three times each semester. The schedule of meetings and deadlines for items to appear on an agenda are sent out to all faculty early in each semester. Contact the CRC Chair for more information:

Send an email.

Please use the Blank CRC Form for items to appear on the CRC agenda. New courses require an example syllabus and a course description to appear in the catalog. Be sure to completely fill out the form and contact one of the librarians about any new courses or changes in courses. Changes to graduate-level classes need to be approved by the Graduate Council before they are brought to the CRC.

Submit the CRC form with necessary documents to the CRC Committee Chair by the deadline for each meeting.

Curriculum Review Committee AY 23-24

Please have signed, complete request form and any required additional documentation to the chairperson by the end of the day on Monday of the week the committee is scheduled to meet in order to appear on that month’s agenda. Download the CRC Request Form »

Upcoming Meetings

  • Thursday, February 8 – 11:00 am
    • Zoom: 
    • Agenda items due end of day Monday, February 5
  • Monday, March 4 – 11:00 am
    • Zoom: 
    • Agenda items due end of day Thursday, February 29
  • Monday, April 1 – 11:00 am
    • Zoom:
    • Agenda items due end of day Thursday, March 28
  • Monday, April 22 – 11:00 am
    • Zoom:
    • Agenda items due end of day Thursday, April 18