Constitution of the Staff Senate of 51社区
Revised and Adopted August 5, 2016
The name of this organization shall be: Staff Senate of 51社区.
Purposes of the Staff Senate shall be:
Section 1: To promote an active role for the staff employees in the governing structures and decision-making process of the University;
Section 2: To achieve formal representation in the process of establishing University educational and operating procedures and policies;
Section 3: To serve as a communication conduit between staff and the administration and, through the administration, to the State Board of Regents;
Section 4: To promote continued improvement of higher education at 51社区 and in the state of Montana;
Section 5: To promote stability and professional growth of the 51社区 staff;
Section 6: To promote service to students by improving morale and working conditions of the 51社区 staff; and
Section 7: To promote and develop staff-related activities, policies, and procedures that support the 51社区 mission.
Section 1: Membership in the Staff Senate shall include employees at 51社区
who are exempt, non-exempt, non-faculty, or contract professionals who have been employed for at least one year.
Section 2: Staff employed through temporary contracts are not eligible for membership.
Section 3: A person ceases to be a member upon termination of employment at the University as an employee.
Section 1: The Senate shall consist of up to 15 senators.
Section 2: Senate offices shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Past-President.
Section 1: Solicitations to fill vacant Senate positions will be made to all 51社区 Staff annually. Responses to solicitations will be forwarded to the Staff Senate nominations subcommittee.
Section 2. The Nominating Subcommittee will review each submission to ensure it fulfills senate membership qualifications (See Article III).
Section 3. Qualified nominations will be voted upon by the Staff Senate the first regular meeting in May of each year. Every Staff Senate member will be allowed one vote for each vacant Senate seat.
Section 4. The nominee(s) with the most votes will be elected as Senators.
Section 5. Each senator will serve a two-year term, beginning July 1 each year. Senators wishing to extend their terms may be re-appointed to a successive two-year term by majority vote of the Senate.
Section 1. Election shall occur the first regular Senate meeting in May of each year.
Section 2. Nominations for each office will be made and seconded by serving senators. Each Senator will be allowed one vote for each office.
Section 3. Nominee(s) with the most votes will be elected as Officers.
Section 4. Nominations for President shall be restricted to those who have served as a Senator or officer for at least one year.
Section 5. Officers shall be elected to a one-year term, beginning July 1 each year. Officers wishing to extend their terms may be re-appointed to a successive one-year term by majority vote of the Senate.
Section 1: The Staff Senate shall be charged with implementing the purposes of the Senate and exercising general supervision over its affairs.
Section 2: All members of the Senate shall be uninstructed representatives. Having sought the counsel and advice of their colleagues, Senate members shall be free to exercise their own judgment on matters of decision and voting.
Section 1: RESIGNATION OR TERMINATION OF SENATE MEMBERS: A vacancy occurs in any office or position, elective or appointed, or in any committee, when the person holding the same submits a letter of resignation (either hard copy or electronic) to the President or ceases to be an employee of the University.
Section 2: ABSENCES: A vacancy occurs when a member of the Senate or of any committee fails to attend meetings or participate in scheduled senate activities four times without prior notification.
a. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume that office to complete the term.
b. In the event of a vacancy in any other Staff Senate Office, the President shall nominate a member (exempt, non-exempt, or non-faculty contract professionals) of the Staff Senate to serve out the balance of the unexpired term. The nomination must be ratified by a majority vote of the Senate. Such elections shall not prejudice election of the incumbent to subsequent regular terms of office.
c. Vacancies in any position, other than President, occurring 60 days or less before a regular election, need not be filled before that election.
d. In the event of a vacancy on any committee, the President shall, with concurrence of the Senate, appoint a successor from the Senate.
Section 1: Regular Senate meetings shall be held as specified in the By-Laws, called by the President by her/his own motion, or upon request of any two Senate members.
Section 2: Annually, the Staff Senate shall communicate, to the 51社区 Staff, Senate activities and accomplishments for the current year; planned activities for the upcoming year, discuss positions or policies relevant to the 51社区 Staff, and other business.
Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the Senate or the President following request by a petition of at least ten percent (10) of the general 51社区 staff or by request of three or more serving senators. Notification of the special meeting and its purpose shall appear at least 1 week before the meeting.
Section 3: The President shall preside at all meetings. Questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided in accordance with Robert's Rule of Order.